There was a response to a post entitled, ‘ The democrats destroyed Ukraine; please stop referring to this as Trump’s war’. The respondent used the first sentence in the post to disregard any of the many points that followed. This could be considered a straw man argument.
Many people in this nation have no clear understanding of Ukraine’s history so here is a link to the area’s past in maps. Mr. Dieken offered this several months ago. It’s worth the watch.
It’s clear that the whole area around Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Belarus, Hungary, Russia has traded borders and people for centuries, which means that it is complicated. So many overlapping ethnicities and every single one can call up grievances of horrendous mistreatment by others; loved ones lost in conflict is history carried by families that’s different from history read in a book. Conflicts end and new lines are drawn on the maps and guess what, yesterday I was Polish but today I’m Ukrainian, or Russian, or Romanian.
Nations agree to new borders, new beginnings, new trade and security arrangements, give their word once again but deep wounds are so easily reopened if care is not taken. It’s not a simple matter to understand why Ukraine has been destroyed, but here are links to speeches by knowledgeable statesmen who foresaw and forewarned the world about pursuing those paths that began the destruction, that can help educate. Professor Stephen Cohen, Jeffery Sachs, John Mearscheimer, Colonel Douglas MacGregor, Scott Ritter, Claire Daley, Oliver Stone, are just a few. Despite what we all hear, the Russians did everything they could to avoid this war, do not wish to continue it and have absolutely no desire or intention to go beyond their stated goals: a neutral Ukraine, not run by Nazis and no NATO. Sachs Sachs Cohen,
debunking the putin panic/ Matte Mearscheimer Macgregor Ritter Oliver Stone doc. on Maidan Netflix version of Maidan Claire daly Putin, 2007 speech in Munich, Security Council. This speech shows prescience few grasped at the time.