Letter to Trump’s Chief of Staff

Submitted By: babbles@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
to BBQ readership:
this letter was WRITTEN BY MICHAEL RANDALL and posted on the 3/15/25 Tillamook County Pioneer. i put those words in caps because i am not the author. i do fully agree with mr. randall’s words.
i am copying and pasting the letter below.
om peace namaste lucy brook nehalem resident U.S. citizen
Letter to Trump’s Chief of Staff, Susie Wiles Posted on March 15, 2025 by Editor www.tillamookcountypioneer.net
Ms. Susan Wiles White House Chief of Staff Executive Office of the President Washington, D.C. 20500 March 8, 2025
Dear Ms. Wiles: I am just an old guy who lives out here on the rainy northern Oregon coast. I have heard good things about you, and hope you bring those good conservative values to bear in your job as Donald Trump’s Chief of Staff.
I sent him the enclosed letter (see link below) a few days ago, although I realize he will never see it. It lays out my brief against his continued service as President. I know it sounds impolite, but I believe in my heart that the job is too much for him. He is five times too erratic (only one example: today all for Russia; then the next day he’s going to throw more sanctions at them.)
He has no knowledge of history (he is like a modern Chamberlain practicing appeasement at Munich in 1939.) He has no respect for the value and effectiveness of international rules agreed upon after WWII. And, apparently, he either does not know or does not care about Putin’s long-term goals (trumpeted widely for years by the little czar inside Russia.)
Tariffs will wound us all badly (they always do; they never work.) He is way wrong about his mass deportations. (Send back the convicted criminals, but give amnesty, work permits, and a road to citizenship to those who already are productive here in the USA. We actually need them here. At the same time, stiffen our controls at the southern border.)
Anyone who says that all his verbal “riffing” is merely meant to be starting points for negotiations shows little understanding of the differences between mere business deals and international diplomacy. Every thought that comes into his head goes out his mouth, and the world listens. He needs to play things a lot closer to the vest, yet I realize this is just about impossible for you or anyone else to control.
There is so much more: abandoning our NATO allies; appointing unqualified people to head executive branch agencies (I think you know what they are: largely a confederacy of dunces); his vengeful spirit employed cruelly and ineptly in slashing federal agencies’ capabilities, etc.
Anyway, I know my letter is insignificant in your larger scheme of things, but I wish you good emotional and mental health in your current job. I hope you stand successfully between your boss and the world’s destruction.
Sincerely, Michael E. Randall