I’m not writing to agree or disagree with the poster.
I’m writing to suggest that this site stay apolitical so that it can serve the needs of the users without triggering acrimony or conflict.
There are plenty of sites where political issues are welcome.
As a practical matter, no one is learning from the sort of post in the most recent issue. Those who agree, agree, those who don’t won’t.
The post wasn’t a call for engagement or debate. So what was it? What was the point? What does the poster want to happen?
This isn’t a free speech issue. The poster is certainly free to post anything, anywhere, any time that the platform allows it.
It reminds me of my neighbor’s dog in the city. It barks loudly and that is all it could do, is bark. We already know it’s a dog. Everyone knows it’s a dog. Of course the dog’s excuse is a brain the size of a walnut. Hmmm.
Feel free to message me if political commentary is a direction the users want to go. I’m happy to no longer participate.