My experience with dead people cashing social security checks

Submitted By: – Click to email about this post doesn’t give a year for this speech by Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana who she says said, “all the dead and extremely old people over 100 years of age that were cashing social security checks. These checks were being cashed! The reason he said, was that all death notices went to just one office in Washington DC, and this office did not share these notices with any other agencies that paid out money to individuals who were entitled by age, disablity, or any other reason.”

But my experience in 2025 was not at all like the above. As many of you know, Chuck of bbq fame, passed away on Feb 14. (Thanks for all the love and support–it means a lot.)

He was getting social security and no checks were involved as it was an automatic deposit, which I assume is the norm these days. The staff at Caldwell Mortuary in Astoria took all the information for his death certificate and said that social security would be notified as a result of the filing of the death certificate. I didn’t even need to call them. And in fact he DID NOT receive any social security in March.

The system is working, at least as far as I have experienced, so I doubt there are dead people cashing social security checks. And if you are living and over 100 you certainly should still be getting your money from Social Security. After all it IS OUR money.
