Popping the Sadism Balloon

Submitted By: dixiedarrow@icloud.com – Click to email about this post
Well I hate to stick a pin in Gene’s sadism balloon but long before anyone heard of DOGE, Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana went on to the floor to give a speech about all the dead and extremely old people over 100 years of age that were cashing social security checks. These checks were being cashed! The reason he said, was that all death notices went to just one office in Washington DC, and this office did not share these notices with any other agencies that paid out money to individuals who were entitled by age, disablity, or any other reason. So he was introducing a bill, once again, to require that all death notices were to be sent on to other appropriate agencies, so this problem could be rectified. The first time he introduced this bill, he had a really hard time getting it passed which was strange. Why wouldn’t any sensible person want to stop this problem? These were our elected senators! Hmmm I said to myself. The first time he introduced the bill he had to make it good for only three years, before he could get it passed. The three years were now up and he was once again trying to get the same bill renewed. Here is a video of Senator Kennedy talking about this problem. Why are the Senators so reluctant to pass a very reasonable piece of legislation? Well I figure that it is because they have something to lose…What could it be, that they might lose?

WATCH IT The checks are being cashed –
1.3 billion dollars to dead people in one year