Reply to B’ McLoughlins post’

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Reply to B’ McLoughlins post’ – social security not hacked. . THE CHECKS ARE BEING CASHED!! This video with Sen. John Kennedy and his bill should have had a date on it. But the current act is set to expire in 2026. The name of the bill is “Ending Improper Payments to Deceased People Act”— the video was put out by Forbes magazine, a prominent business magazine! Forbes also has a news channel that you can watch on you tube if you get tired of slanted news. It focuses on the economy and business. Kennedy and Carper have now introduced new legislation—the Ending Improper Payments to Deceased People Act—to make the measure permanent. No one will know if anyone is hacking your deceased family members social security. How would you? You send in the death notices and that is the end of it. No more social security checks arrive in your mail!! That is all you know. When my mother died, I had to get lots of death notices to send out to the required people, SS, banks, insurance, and I can’t remember all. When my husband died, I had to do the same. 69 million people receive social security checks every month! There are 3 million deaths on average reported to SS every year. I am sure most of these death benefits are not hacked. But I do not believe that Senator John Kennedy would go to the work of introducing a bill, If there were no reason for it. And he has data! Watch the video? Do you think he is making that up? Why would a senator do that? It takes a lot of work and a lot of time to produce a measure for the Senate to consider.
If I were a new or even old director of an agency I would also deny that social security fraud was happening. The most likely truth is that there is always some fraud in every agency that pays out money.
There are and will be problems with the DOGE audit. I do not feel positive with the shutting down of some SS centers around the United States, and it is true that the elderly, which definitely includes me, have problems with using the internet. I rely on my kids for help. I just tested out a web site that was supposed to show social security offices around the country, wondering if the one in Warrenton is targeted for closurel Probably too soon to tell! This web site wanted you to PAY for the information – 5 bucks – and has a place where you needed to put in your credit card info!! That is so frustrating! Of course I would not pay for that info, it should be free. I am definitely sure that site was not a SS web page. Despite problems and the accompaning hysteria about DOGE. I am all for it – I want a DOGE for Oregon!! It is good for citizens to keep their governments honest!