Disability Outdoors: Best Practices for Accessibility and Inclusion

Submitted By: dan@tillamookcoast.com – Click to email about this post
Disability Outdoors: Best Practices for Accessibility and Inclusion

Friday, April 4

10 am – 12 pm

Rockaway Beach CIty Hall

To register email dan@tillamookcoast.com

Join Tillamook Coast Visitors Association April 4 at Rockaway Beach City Hall for a special presentation about making outdoor spaces more accessible and inclusive for everyone.

Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, a community leader, or just want to learn about improving Tillamook Coast accessibility, this event is for you. Accessibility consultant Ashley Schahfer will lead a discussion on best practices for making the outdoors a more inclusive and accessible place.

Ashley is the owner of Empowering Access, whose mission is to provide equitable experience and knowledge-based guidance to those looking to engage in disability, equity, and inclusion work. Ashley has 21 years of lived experience in disability, two degrees in Architecture, and a Women’s studies certificate— her life mission has become thoughtful experience-based design and inclusion for the intersectional community with disabilities.

This is a free event.

Space is limited, sign up today.

A Zoom option will be made available.

Questions? Email Dan Haag at dan@tillamookcoast.com