Community Sacred Grief Circle Tomorrow 5-7pm

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New Moon. Tuesday, Dec 12th
North Fork 53

Community Sacred Grief Circle
Somatic Practices & Sound Healing

The holidays can bring up big emotions for many of us and often it can be hard to know how to deal with them.

If you are feeling sad this holiday season-you’re not alone. Please join us in our Community Grief Monthly circle to get support and tools that can help.

In this free 2 hour event we will be offering:

-Community sharing circle (for up to 12 people)
-Two somatic (body based) practices that can help you relate and process grief and other emotions as they move through you.
-Gentle sound healing to relax and integrate the practice

Somatic therapies work directly with your body- where your emotions are held.

You will practice noticing what you’re feeling without judgement, resistance or a desire to change it.

Then you’ll learn an anchoring technique to help you feel big emotions while also finding safety in your body.

These two techniques (noticing/tracking the charge and anchoring) are essential tools for anyone trying to get through the times we live in.

This will be followed by a short sound healing – a beautiful way of letting the body relax and release without having to go through the mind.

I hope you can join us!

Please RSVP to if you plan to attend.

We are limited to 12 people for this circle.

Bee well,
Ginger Edwards -via the NeahKahNie Grief Collective and Communitea Nonprofit