Cannon Beach Library TRIVIA CHALLENGE Winter Reading Game

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What are you going to do for fun during the cold winter months? Why not play the CB Library’s Winter Reading Trivia CHALLENGE January 15 – March 22! Pick up a game board from the library or download one here:
Complete each challenge (in any order) to receive a trivia question. One book counts towards one challenge. Boards are available for both adults and youth.
Trivia questions are given at the library circulation desk and are answered on the spot – no cell phones are allowed!
Cash in points along the way to win cool prizes. The highest cumulative scores at the end wins the grand prizes!
*Participants can play online pop-up quizzes for bonus points. A link to the pop-up quizzes will be announced on Facebook and via email. Each quiz supports 20 participants, so act fast to play for a chance to win more points.