I am casually looking to get the hell out of Tweakervile (Wheeler) as the crime is getting quite bad.
The first thing I do everyday is look out the window to see if my cars are there, and then I look at the pavement to see if they have drilled my gas tanks. It’s like I’m living in Portland again.
The recent days/months have seen:
My housemate’s gas tank getting drilled, the tweaker/zombie (that’s what he looked like on the video) only took one gallon of gas, and let the rest drain all over the street and into the storm drain and then into the bay. My housemate had to get a tow and pay for the fix, of course, and then he started parking blocks away at a friend’s house and walking home.
The city of Wheeler’s excavator was stolen, three blocks away from me. Yes, the excavator.
Last week, Rice and Shine’s (a very hard-working young couple’s excellent food cart) large propane tank ($300 when empty) across the street was stolen. I expect they will be leaving Tweakerville soon as well.
Tweakers regularly get off the Wave and walk one block up the hill for their drugs to the tweaker-dealer matriarchs sh*t-hole of a house. Everyone knows she’s the biggest dealer around, including law enforcement, but apparently nobody in city government gives enough of a crap to do anything about it. Maybe because there is no money because we spent it all helping Russia destroy Ukraine; woulda been $300,000,000 for each congressional district. Just a small portion of that money would have been enough to get these shameless thieving tweakers into rehab and/or jail, from Astoria to Tillamook.
There is another drug-dealing tweaker apartment complex up the street as well, the city knows about that shooting gallery as well.
The Wheeler tweaker-matriarch’s son (a self-described meth head) lives one block away from me.
And his girlfriend (who I assume is also a tweaker) just moved into the unit beneath me. (My very cool landlord didn’t know, she looked good on paper). Within three days she was arrested after waking up the neighborhood with blood-curdling screams after drunkenly smacking up her boyfriend.
So, as I said, I am casually looking to get out of Wheeler. The amazing view and bay access for kayaking/fishing isn’t worth the stress of living here. I also fear for my daughter when she comes home at night.
Relocating to tweaker-haven Foss Road would not be an improvement, so not interested in that area.
I am looking for a two-bedroom for me and my honors student teen daughter, somewhere between Bay City and CB, and as far away from thieving tweakers as possible.