Rising Hearts Studio May

Submitted By: Christy@cosmichealingnw.com – Click to email about this post
Hello BBQ Community!!Happy May!!

Tonight is Open Music Jam- starts at 6 PM, bring your instruments, your voice, yourself and let’s have some fun!!
Store will be closed tomorrow, Saturday May 4th – I will be at the Master Gardener’s Plant Sale at the Tillamook Fairgrounds, from 9-1, with my best products- local photography note cards, crystals, journals, jewelry, candles, suncatchers, windchimes/spinners and more! Please stop by and say hello, while you’re shopping for some awesome plants!

And now for some real talk- there are no community events scheduled for this month other than tonight’s open music jam.
I am very passionate about offering community events like this for free or very low cost donations, and for this reason, I added a store to my already busy healing practice- store sales help pay for these events, and keep them open and available to ALL! However, this winter, like most of the businesses along the coast, there just wasn’t enough sales, or support, and now I am making some hard decisions moving forward….
I am also burned out. I was glad to be able to offer the studio for grief support after the passing of my friend Lee, and also my time for the many weeks of his memorial planning, but it was a financial hardship, as well as an emotional one, and honestly, I haven’t had a chance to catch my breath yet, or process my own grief. So, I am regrouping, re-imagining, restoring, and hoping to be back in June with a full schedule again, but I need your help to do it!
Store Hours are Thursday-Sunday 11-4PM- closed May 4th, 12-16th. Free hot tea, and hugs, always available

****Please shop local, if you like a store or service in your community, support them! It’s our local community that keeps us going, it’s not all tourists!***

I LOVE YOU! And I am so BLESSED to be a part of your community! -CK
Hope to see you soon!

Rising Hearts Studio
35840 7th St,
Hwy 101 in downtown Nehalem
(503) 800-1092