Fictional Game Show Manzanita Jeopardy

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[Opening Scene: The Jeopardy! theme song plays. The camera zooms in on the stage where the host, a charismatic and witty character, stands behind a podium labeled “Manzanita Jeopardy!”]

Host: Welcome, everybody, to Manzanita Jeopardy! It’s the game show where knowing your city budget could win you some serious bragging rights. I’m your host, Bob Ledger, and today we’ve got three contestants who are ready to put their fiscal knowledge of Manzanita to the test! Let’s meet them!

[The camera pans to the first contestant, a middle-aged man in a suit.]

Host: Our first contestant is Dave, an
accountant who claims he can balance a budget blindfolded. Welcome, Dave.

Dave: Ready to crunch some numbers,Bob.

[The camera moves to the second contestant, a woman in a bright blouse.]

Host: Next up, we have Linda, a city planner who says she knows every
inch of Manzanita. Is that true, Linda?

Linda: Absolutely, Bob! From Neahkahnie to Nehalem Bay park, I’ve got it all mapped out.

[The camera shifts to the third contestant, a young man wearing a t-shirt with the words “Budget Hero.”]

Host: And last but not least, we have Tim, a college student majoring in public administration. Hi, Tim!

Tim: Thanks, Bob! I’ve been studying those city budget reports like they’re
my final exams.

Host: Fantastic! Let’s get right into our categories for today.
They are: ‘Legal Expenses,’ ‘Hidden Investigations,’ ‘City Planning,’ ‘Water Fund Transfers,’ and ‘Severance Packages.’ Dave, as our first contestant, why don’t you pick a category?

Dave: I’ll take ‘Legal Expenses’ for $1,000, Bob.

[The screen shows the clue: “$44,000”]

Host: Dave,
your response?

Dave: What is
“How much was spent on Manzanita’s legal expenses for the month of May.”

Host: Correct! It was a startling number for an investigation everyone assumed was winding down. But the legal costs keep growing. Moving on, Linda, it’s your turn.

Linda: I’ll go with ‘Hidden Investigations’ for $1,000, Bob.

[The screen shows the clue: “The total legal fees for a hidden investigation that council refused
to release.”]

Host: Linda?

What is over $200,000?

Can you be more specific, Linda?

Linda: Well, I could if the city would release the invoices, but they won’t. I know it’s at least $200,000 now and it may keep growing.

Host: Sorry, Linda. I can’t accept that answer. The correct answer is What is the sky’s the limit.

Tim, you’re next.

Tim: I’ll take ‘City Planning’ for $1,000.

[The screen shows the clue: “About 10 feet”]

Host: Tim?

“What distance from planned was the location where the new City Hall was mistakenly placed”

Host: You’ve got it! You’d figure with all the money the city spends on consultants, they could get closer than that. Or at least check it out before burying all that concrete.

Anyhow, Dave, back to you.

Dave: ‘Water Fund Transfers’ for $1,000.

[The screen shows the clue: “$645,000”]

Host: Dave?

“What is the total amount transferred from the water fund to the general fund in the last four years.”

Host: Correct! Manzanita has really been draining the water fund. The
lawyers and consultants have to be
paid from somewhere. We’ll worry about infrastructure later.
And finally, Linda, you get the last category.

Linda: I’ll take ‘Severance Packages’ for $1,000.

[The screen shows the clue: ” 50%”]

Host: Linda?

“What is the percentage increase in severance for the city manager recently authorized by the city council.?”

Host: That’s right! A deal for 9 months’ severance for leaving sounds pretty sweet, especially with ongoing rising legal fees. That brings us to the end of our first round and this episode of Manzanita Jeopardy. Tune in next time for Manzanita Double Jeopardy!, where the stakes, the consulting fees and the legal fees—get even higher! See you next time everybody.

[Roll credits and play Jeopardy theme music]