Happenings, City of Manzanita

Submitted By: mkuestner10@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
A long Manzanita City Council meeting last night–lots got done.
It was announced that we will have a referendum to vote on in November–citizen Kugler filed the necessary paperwork so we will vote on if we want monthly billing of our water bills… It’s unclear why? The City moved to monthly billing last year.
The silver lining is that the mandated Water Study this forces Manzanita to pay for will not be the $20,000. originally estimated. Since Manzanita conducted a Water Study only last year, our intrepid City Manager, Leila Aman was able to get a discount–so it’ll cost “just” $8,500. Lots of lawyer fees too (hourly rate in the high $400’s). It’s also not clear how much it would cost the City to re-implement quarterly billing.
It’s timely to remind us all that if we have questions and or concerns about the city, asking our City Councilors questions directly can save us all a lot of time and money.
The email to contact all 4 Councilors and the Mayor is citycouncil@ci.manzanita.or.us
It’s unfortunate in these inflationary times that Manzanita is being forced into such senseless, profligate spending.