Judges on the Ballot – a Silent Weapon

Submitted By: dixiegainer@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
In this years primary election, you may have noticed all the judges on the ballot running unopposed. You might ask yourself – Why always unopposed? Surely there must be other qualified people that desire a position as a judge.

I wrote a piece about this awhile ago explaining how the governor can legally pick a qualified person to fill a vacancy that happens when a judge steps down before their term is up, so the person the governor picks is on the ballot for the next term unopposed, and wether you vote for them or not they will be elected to that position for a number of years, when due to a prior agreement with the governor they will step down before their term is up so the governor can now legally pick another person to fill that position. What the governor is doing is legal but goes against the spirit of the Oregon Constitution which states that Oregon citizens get the opportunity to fill judicial positions by voting.
The agreement between the governor and the person she selects: that they step down before their term is up so that the governor can select another person, is called collusion. Collusion is when two or more parties secretly agree to defraud a third-party (Oregon citizens) of their rights or to accomplish an illegal purpose. Some types of collusion are against the law. And this one, as it denies a right given to us by a constitution, I believe violates the law.
This affects you in more ways than you know. It locks in one party forever. A party that pushes the globalist agenda.
*Is gerrymandering a problem in Oregon?
Only twice in the last hundred years has the Oregon legislature successfully completed redistricting without intervention by the secretary of state or the courts. For decades, the legislature failed to redistrict at all, so that the party in power could maintain its advantage, resulting in growing distortions in the ratio of voters-to-representatives from one legislative district to the next as population sizes shifted throughout the state.
Oregon law requires that district lines are not to be drawn for partisan advantage, so partisan data is not analyzed publicly. But in reality, legislators share this data behind closed doors, and are well aware of how various options will affect party advantage. Oregon needs to end the “wink and a nod” sharing of partisan data behind closed doors and make this information available for public scrutiny.

I believe that if we had a non-political or “balanced Supreme Court”** – A person or group could challenge this “redistricting” and probably win as what Oregon has been doing has been heavily criticized by others.
Democrat party control has basically cemented itself in perpetuity in Oregon, they control all of the courts. What happens after that is corruption with a capital C. I would like to say that I have been a Democrat for most of my life, ending just recently in the last several years, as I have noticed that the things I stood for as a Democrat do not exist in either the state or national Democratic Party.
Our country, the United States of America, has had the best constitution of all the countries on this beautiful planet. Guaranteeing
the most freedoms to all its citizens – but no more. We are in “a quiet war with silent weapons” We now ban free speech, we arrest peaceful demonstrators, not violent ones. Parental rights are going out the window, (see HB 2002.Your minor child’s reproductive organs are controlled by the state of Oregon. That bill gives the state the right to determine what sex your child is).
Our agencies and court systems are weaponized against us. We have corrupt voting systems, and the constitutional right to have a gun is constantly being attacked. Crime and property destruction are a constant in many towns and cities in Oregon, and the perpetrators if arrested are put right back on the streets where they repeat their behavior. The media cleverly turns us against each other, even families, and divided we fall!!! And we are falling. Let’s try uniting!! Let’s try watching our state legislature in action!! There ARE a few, very good legislators in both parties who really care about their constituents. You need to know who they are.
**I did have a suggestion to remedy the “judges running unopposed” and I asked a Senator and a journalist what they thought of my suggestion. I was told that any one running against the governors “pick” if they lost – would not be able to do business in Oregon. A high price to pay for running for a judicial position!!