Virtual Death Cafe – North Coast EOL Collective

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Date: June 23rd from 4 – 5:00 pm (PST)
Offering: Death Cafe
Location: Virtual (Zoom)
Registration (required)
Facilitator: Margo Lalich, MPH, RN, Co-Founder – North Coast EOL Collective

Making Visible the Invisible: A Community Conversation about Death and Dying. Applying the values of Acceptance, Belonging, Connection, and Legacy, Death Cafe is a co-generational gathering that aims to create a comfortable and open space for people to gather and discuss topics related to death, dying, and mortality. It provides a platform for individuals to share their thoughts, fears, and experiences surrounding death in a supportive and non-judgmental environment. As a community, we hold space for laughter and tears, the paradox of joy and sorrow. Adhering to the mission of Death Cafes, participation is free. Death Cafe meets in person AND virtually every month.

To learn more about the history of Death Cafe, click here:

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