My grandson (16) is getting interested in fabrication, and would like to try his hand at automating an old style crank ice cream maker by adding parts (a motor, gears, sensors, microprocessor, etc.), and new found knowledge (how to calculate required HP, how to sense when ice cream is done, how to design gear reducers, how to interface microprocessors to bigger motors, etc.), and of course what constitutes a good ice cream recipe!). As with many such projects, the fun is in the journey, so while the end product might actually work, the goal is not to make ice cream in it forever, but rather to see if he can make come to life.
We are looking for a bit of help. Is there any chance that (like me) you may have aged out of that old crank type ice cream maker in the garage, and would like to re-home it? If so, give us a shout. We can take it off your hands. And by the way, having two might give him a few more options.
Cliff Tuttle
503 368 7956 (house)
503 819 7053 (cell)