Submitted By: dixiedarrow@icloud.com – Click to email about this post
I recently posted a small article reporting on Measure 110 (passed in 2020) the drug bill and its replacement HB 4002, which starts Sept 1. I said it was a better bill. It is not! At this time no one goes to jail for possessing illegal drugs. They go right back on the street.
Recently in the primary election, fed up Democrats voted out the incumbent DA in the metro area who refused to prosecute criminals, instead – putting them back on the street. But now Democratic legislators are refusing to lock up those for possessing illegal drugs as per HB 4002 – instead putting them back on the street. They do not get treatment.
There is a rumor that monies from measure 110 for treatment instead went to buy new cars and homes for unknown persons – yep a rumor – No monies went for treatment facilities. This is now 2024!! Where is the money allocated for measure 110???? I would like to know.
New money was allocated for this new bill. Where is that going? where are the treatment facilities? How many years do we have to wait?
Because of the judge problem which I have been writing about – no one is going to look into this. Nope!

No treatment – but now….a deflection center!!
The following article comes from the Portland Tribune:
In a Wednesday press conference, Multnomah County Chair Jessica Vega Pederson and other county leaders addressed plans for a deflection center that continues to incur criticism from the public and fellow commissioners.
The chair’s deflection program will give those caught with hard drugs the choice between serving jail time or receiving treatment for a substance use disorder when House Bill 4002 goes into effect Sept. 1—once again “We must offer people suffering from addiction alternatives to incarceration, or we will be right back where we started,”. “Vega Pederson said. Treatment is the best route to recovery. People’s lives are depending on opening more treatment options, and we are moving swiftly to do so.”
(my comment – How swift is a few years?) However, Multnomah County’s new program could also allow drug users to avoid arrest and possibly walk away without mandated treatment. This outcome is possible for people who get dropped off at the deflection center and go through a screening and assessment with a peer counselor, but are not required to follow a plan for drug treatment.
(And they can go to a deflection center many times – there’s no limit – so they are back on the street! over and over again.
Remember the “hot line” for persons arrested caught with more than allowable amounts of hard drugs under measure 110? The state health authority hired Health Resources in Action, a Boston-based nonprofit focused on public health, for up to $2.7 million to operate the moribund helpline. This was set up for measure 110 in an effort to connect people to substance abuse screening and treatment referral. But there is still no treatment available!!!!!!
Oregon’s Measure 110 drug treatment hotline has served only 577, gets new operator. Updated: Dec. 14, 2023.This is still ongoing although there is no treatment available. (wow – look what happens when you put Democrats in charge of the purse- my comment – wasted wasted money)
My conclusion is Democratic legislators want to see criminals back in the street. What other conclusion can you come to?
In the coming November election – there will be two tax measures to vote on. One will be a tax on your property for public safety. So Oregon Democratic legislators create crime in the street and then tax you for it.
That is what it looks like to me.