Passing the Torch; NCRD Theater Manager Retires

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This post is a Recognition of Mary Moran who has managed the NCRD Theater for the past eight years.

A person of many talents she helped grow the NCRD Theater into its present, impressive condition. Mary did everything from book performers, sew stage backdrops, run sound and lights for performances, design posters, write successful grants for the theater’s needs and perhaps most Herculean of all, she managed a performing arts venue through the worst of COVID.

NCRD boasts a vibrant and popular presence in our community today. Thank you, Mary, for 8 years of work to help make this possible. Earlier this week she quietly and almost under the radar passed the torch to a new NCRD theater director.

If I recall, it was Mary’s success with managing and participating in our local Trashion show that began her journey into theater. Hopefully, we will continue to see her on that stage. I’ve encountered a number of people who were surprised to hear of Mary’s retirement as theater manager since it didn’t seem to be common knowledge. However, she isn’t going far away. She continues to reside in our area so you may bump into her and still have the opportunity to greet her and acknowledge her contributions if you are feeling the desire.