
Submitted By: barbaraandchuck@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
My sincere apologies to all of you who are not straight. I inadvertently left off “sexual persuasion” from the statement in my “why I am voting for Kamala Harris” bbq post about protecting the rights of all Americans. It was a thoughtless oversight.

And it gives me the opportunity to highlight and celebrate love WHEREVER AND WITH WHOMEVER it is found.

The magic of love between 2 adults, no matter their gender, is one of the greatest joys of living. With it we soar in happiness and because of it we can trudge together through the hard times. And the energy of that love spreads to all around us, like ripples in a pond.

Every one of us has a deep and fundamental need to love and be loved.

Love is what matters. Let us celebrate that love.

Beyond the love between 2 adults, imagine what our world would be like if all of us behaved from a place of love. Imagine that our deep wounds are healed and hate, violence, greed and cruelty are replaced by kindness, respect, caring and cooperation.

It is my fervent vision and prayer that humans will eventually evolve to that place of love.

“You may say I’m a dreamer. But I am not the only one. I hope someday you will join us and the world will be as one.” John Lennon