Why I’m voting for Kamala Harris

Submitted By: s.c.walsh@outlook.com – Click to email about this post
There are several reasons why I am voting for Kamala Harris to be our next President. Foremost is that she has shared the helm during the Biden administration, which has worked tirelessly to help us, the lower and middle classes, to begin to regain lost traction in the economic playing field. And she has promised to continue and expand that policy. She has also partnered with Joe Biden to regain respect and partnership from foreign leaders for our country. She has promised to protect and expand Social Security which many of us here rely on to help with daily living expenses. And she exhibits strong leadership, with a firm grasp on the policies that protect and support not only all Americans, but our allies around the world. She has chosen a running mate, Tim Walz, who we can all see as a wholesome father figure, as well as a very savvy politician. He has brought so much to his own state as Governor of Minnesota and will bring the same as second in command for our country. And, finally, 51% of Americans are being victimized by state legislators who have passed laws that disenfranchise them from power over their own bodies. Imagine if this were also expanded to the other 49% and how they might make health decisions that affect their bodies. Like prostate cancer, or erectile dysfunction. No Viagra for you. No medical procedures that will save your ability to have an erection. Imagine how that might go. Can this really be a political issue at all? How did that happen? This is a medical conversation between a doctor and their patient. How did it end in state legislatures? This is a question that does not have an easy answer but, in the meantime, we will have to go through the legislative process to rectify this overreach of law-making that has plagued our country and needs to be reined in to respect American people’s rights. That means that there needs to be down the line voting for Democrats to put Democracy back into our governmental process. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are committed to protecting and expanding the 51%’s rights to make medical and health decisions about their own bodies. And that’s why I’m voting for Harris and Walz.