Appeal the Nedonna Wave Planned Unit Development

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Call to action! Please help to support the appeal of the Rockaway Beach Planning Commission’s decision to allow the Nedonna Wave Planned Unit Development to go forward! It is very important to let the City Councilors hear, in a personal way, from all of us about our concerns about the Nedonna Wave PUD. Areas of concern may include loss of wetland habitat (the land and the wildlife), detriments to water quality and quantity, and increased housing density.
The City Council has decided to hold a hearing concerning this appeal. If possible, please attend the Rockaway Beach City Council meeting Wednesday, October 9, at 6:00 p.m. You could be there in-person or watch it on Zoom. Additionally, you can submit written comments about the appeal. You can email your comments to the City Recorder Melissa Thompson at least 48 hrs in advance of the meeting. Her email is: