Submitted By: dixiedarrow@icloud.com – Click to email about this post
The reasons I post things about Oregon is to get a better Oregon.

There is a lawsuit filed against the state of Oregon
regarding its failure to comply with federal election rules.

2. The lawsuit declares that federal election laws about purging voter roles were not followed in Oregon.

3. The lawsuit enumerates the times federal laws regarding elections were not followed.

4. The woman in charge of our elections in Oregon offered to step down.

5. So far this has not happened.

There is no need to go to Wikipedia
There is no need to fact check

The info listed above is a fact

Here is a link to the lawsuit: Please read it – It asks for remuneration to go to the Oregon Constitution
Party which paid for the lawsuit. (not some billionaires)


I will be sure to post the results of this lawsuit when it comes. The state of Oregon has no defense so they will probably concede.