It is officially rodent season.
As the cold wet season arrives rodents are looking for warm dry places to hole up for the winter.
Fun fact: Norway rats usually construct nests in below-ground burrows or at ground level. Crawl spaces and attics offer the ideal climate for nests, Nests may be lined with shredded paper, cloth, or other fibrous material. Litters of 6 to 12 young are born 21 to 23 days after conception. Newborn rats are naked and their eyes are closed, but they grow rapidly.
A single female Norway rat may birth up to 15,000 ospring in a single year.
We offer
Full exclusion (sealing up rodent entrances into your home and removing existing pests.
Bait box service
Insulation clean out
Attic and crawlspace disinfect and deodorization
Call or email for more information