Gardening Items

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Dear Community,
Our communal garden and orchard in Nehalem that holds growing space for 8 different families/individuals of various ages, as well as numerous community gatherings, is in need of some items as we gear up for our growing season, and we thought to ask you all first before we start purchasing!
Garden co-founder Tom Bender held such a large piece of this community garden, monetarily and workload wise, and we are just getting our feet back under us after his passing and the last two years of Covid. We find we need some help to continue to make it a sustainable and communal area.
Here is our ‘Needs Wish List’ :
Thanks in advance if you are able to help!
* Mower
* Weed whacker
* Pallets for composter build
* Shed! For storing tools and potluck items
* Lock for shed
* Hoop house/greenhouse for storage and seed * * * *Propagation! Materials such as windows, etc and
someone to help us build it out is a fun option.
* Fence/wall material to keep the bears out
* Labor for hose bib repair, greenhouse build, fence repair
* Someone who wants to help mow on a regular
* Enclosed compost bin for potluck food OR materials for
a worm bin
* Gravel
* Compost/Top Soil
* Grant writing options to pay for water, repairs and mowing/maintenance.
Thanks from the 10th Street Gardeneers.