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Hi folks – the month is really scooting by – and I will only have one more chance before the holiday to DELIVER to home-or-office – this will be on TUESDAY December 17th – in the early afternoon hours. On board will be the three-variety raw honey “samplers” (see picture) which are $29 each – two for $55 or you can take FOUR for $100 on this trip only – they’re a convenient/delicious/awesome gift to hand off – or ship. I will also have quarts of the raw blackberry honey collected from the Blodgett area of the coast range – $29 each. Real maple syrup in GLASS package are $32 per quart – and the white “jug” style (BPA-free plastic) are $28 each. Holy Kakow! handmade chocolate sauce from Sisters are two-for-$15 – quite wholesome and could be a great ‘stocking stuffer’. If there are other raw honeys that you have been a fan of in the past please let me know – I can also bring some pints of COMB honey – $22 each. Jeffrey Warren – owner/operator – JW Merc JW Merc on Facebook – cell/text: 208-424-0042 E-mail: Have a great holiday season everyone – thanks for another helpful year supporting my little business…jw