Tuesday, January 7, 12:00-2:00pm, Monthly meeting of the North Tillamook County Women’s Association, Membership not required, Meetings are open to the public and are scheduled for the first Tuesday of the month. We meet at 12:00pm noon, at the Pine Grove Community House in Manzanita, OR.
No pre-registration is required; just come. More information https://www.ntcwa1933.org
Monday, January 13, 2:00-4:00pm, Conscious Aging and Community Connections, Public Event, Planning For The Inevitable: Getting All Your Paperwork in Place, Presenter: Margo Lalich, MPH, RN, Co-Founder – North Coast EOL Collective. This two-hour, interactive North Coast EOL Collective presentation will offer valuable insights, helpful information, and resources for planning before and after the death of a spouse, partner, or family member, as well as for individuals who live alone or do not have close family. The session will include a self-assessment and discussion. A $5 contribution at the door helps maintain the Pine Grove Community House as a gathering place for all. Contact Dori Bash for more information: dorib747@gmail.com
Tuesday, January 21,5:30-7:30pm, January Members dinner,
The State of the Cities. As a great beginning to the new year, we’ve invited representatives from Manzanita, Nehalem and Wheeler to bring us up to date on the status of their cities, current projects underway and what they’ve planned for the coming year. We’ll also bring you an update on what to expect at the Pine Grove during the coming year.
Bring a favorite appetizer, main course, salad or dessert, And don’t forget a bottle of wine to share.
RSVP: moranmem@gmail.com