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MEN’S GROUP NORTH COUNTY What: An inclusive and diverse Men’s Group Where: 34610 Lodgepole Drive in Pine Ridge neighborhood When: Second and Fourth Sunday of every month Next : Sunday, January 26th, 3:00pm Why: It is beneficial to experience a diverse circle of men – all ages – all walks of life – all points of view – let’s expand the possibilities How: A few of us have been meeting for over ten years, others are new to the process. Each man adds to the gathering. We all have connection to a vast knowledge. The group intelligence is more expansive than the individual awareness. There is a great release and power in sharing our wisdom and vulnerabilities. We are confidential.We are inclusive.We are diverse.New men are always welcome in this circle.Bring yourself.Be yourself.Add yourself to the mix – see what happens. If you need directions or have questions call Michael at 503-616-6538 We have been dormant for a few years and are moving towards becoming active together again.