Come Dance with Us!

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Ecstatic Dance & Authentic Relating

When: Wednesday, January 29th
Time: 6:00 PM (Intro to Authentic Relating Tea Circle)
Dance Starts: 6:30 PM
Where: The White Clover Grange, Nehalem

Suggested Donation: $10 – 20

Theme: The State of Acceptance

At 6:00 PM, we will warm up the evening with an Authentic Relating Tea Circle.

At 6:30 PM, we will begin free-form movement to a playlist curated by Neilio Nyquist.

The State of Acceptance
“Your soul spontaneously relaxes as it senses the arising of acceptance.

There is release and letting go throughout the body as the experience of inner rejection drops away. Each cell seems to open and breathe with the space to simply be itself.

Your soul feels bathed in a delicate, refreshing liquid that nourishes and welcomes you into a sense of profound relaxation. You feel relieved of an ancient burden of struggle and feel it replaced with an unquestioned sense of belonging.

You belong here and now, exactly where you are, as a part of everything that is. At the same time, you feel fully accepting of what is here; you welcome it without preference or condition.”

– From Soul Without Shame by Byron Brown

No experience is necessary. All are welcome.
For questions or details, feel free to reach out.