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Got Kites in your attic, closet or barn that you purchased from DK Smith or John & Lisa Fraser at Once Upon A Breeze Kiteshop in Cannot Beach in the 1970s-1990s? Earlier? Maybe from that ashram or trip to Wiefang? Back before cell phones and social media? Seeking single line provenance: Hi-Flier, White Bird, Sun Oaks, Goodwin, Reza, Scholz, or Made in: Japan China, or India for reals. Not interested in: Premier, Prism, Kite Factory, Catch The Wind, or that big box store heartbreaker left behind in your short term vacation rental (no offense…) ~ Unless it really is a hot mess or lipstick on a pig. ~ Broken? “Relax, all right? My old man is a television repairman, he’s got this ultimate set of tools. I can fix it.” I will repair, exhibit, and fly it. ~ Will trade for food and good will.