Anybody who listens to the Manzanita City Council meetings knows that I took, and continue to take a deep dive into the state of water in our world and in our city.
To be a responsible citizen I want to know everything about our water system and how it is connected to other water systems in the area. There’s a lot to know..
Friend Mary Ruhl teamed up with me. We read the water plan and we generated a list of questions. We then interviewed several people we thought would have answers. We found there are a many issues and questions that need to be addressed by the new city council.
We were surprised when two candidates, Deb Simmons and Brad Mayerle, separately requested to meet with us. In those discussions we found we knew a lot.
Brad continued on. He talked with the people we had talked with and others, he attended local watershed meetings, and he took field trips to the origin of water sources which we have water rights to.
I feel confident with Brad on the city council our water issues will be addressed.
Brad has looked into many other issues in a similar systematic and thorough way. It’s the way he approaches challenges.
The council positions are volunteer. We are fortunate to have a person of his caliber interested in being on an important team to lead our city.
The ballots will be in our mail boxes soon. The first thing I’m going to do is to vote for Brad Mayerle for city council. I hope you do too.
Karen LaGrave Small
Mother, Grandmother
Full time resident of Manzanita