This February 20–24 Well Versed Edits & Translations will be hosting a residential writer’s retreat right here on the North Oregon Coast and writers of all genres and levels of publication (or not) are invited to attend.
Writers will enjoy:
* Enlightening talks on spirituality and art with author and editor Terry Glaspey
* Q&A session with resident literary agent, Chip MacGregor
* Sessions on creativity, vision, and voice with Christina Pfister
* 1:1 conversation with a seasoned editor
* Catered, delicious, locally sourced meals by Heidi Cummins
* 1-hour massage with the amazing Gia Shaw
* A balance of group activity and solitary writing time
* Dedicated time to connect their craft to community, identity, and purpose
For details and to register, please go to and/or email
Accepting registrations until December 15 or the retreat is full (whichever happens first)!