Please be sure and vote in this upcoming election. There are many people running for office and we need their leadership and support for our shared programs. NCRD is a valued public facility that helps us improve our health and quality of life.
I am voting for Constance Shimek as I have known her for over a decade and have been continuously impressed by her commitment to her community.
Constance is active in a number of community projects and programs. As the President of the Nehalem Bay Garden Club she works to provide funding to our community through club grants, brings people together to learn about plants, and to develop community and amaraderie. She always exhibits a desire to contribute her problem solving skills to the task at hand and finds ways to address the needs of the community. Her willingness to help in many projects and programs has created value for our three villages, as well as for Tillamook County.
Constance has my vote, as I know she is a person who has the community’s best interests in mind. She listens to input and makes decisions based on the input from her constituents.
I encourage my fellow citizens to vote for Constance for NCRD Board Representative.
Karen Matthews