History doesn’t lie: a collection of covid lies and hysteria

Submitted By: andynorris21@yahoo.com – Click to email about this post
I cannot tell you how much hate those of us smart enough NOT to have shot that new biotech mRNA junk created by the corrupt creeps at Fizer and Mode RNA and the CDC and the NIH had to deal with, coming from vaxxed Covidian zealots. (the vast majority of Americans)
Have the Covidians forgotten how much hate they spread around the world? This video will remind you.
Have the Covidians forgotten how much they ABANDONED science and reason? This video will remind you.
We have not forgotten how you tyrannical fear-ridden vaxxed zealots tried to victimize us. And this video will remind you.
But we will not be victims, and we are not afraid of you or Fizer or Fauci at all. In fact, we have compassion for you. You made a horrible choice shooting that junk, and the increase in strokes and heart attacks in vaxxed folks alone proves we were right, that YOU are the victims, not us.
Do you the strength to watch this and admit what you did?
Can you admit that you abandoned science and reason?
Do you have the strength to admit you were wrong and apologize?