White Clover Grange is asking you to look

Submitted By: cpossibility1023@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Dear Community,

We will soon begin the White Clover Grange restoration/refresh project. The building is 100 years old and we know we will need to replace some shingles and shakes.

We are reaching out to ask you to look in your barns, your garage attic, the old woodshed and see if you have any usable cedar shakes you’d like to sell or donate? We are specifically looking for 16″ #1 shingles and 18″ raked wall shakes. Or you may know someone who may know where some are and could forward contact information to us?

Imagine how good it would feel to know YOU contributed to our local Grange? Thank you for looking and please contact Tammy (leshtoe@hotmail.com) or Vivi (vivi@nehalemtel.net) with any questions/information. The White Clover Grange thanks you!