cashless America is almost here

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Mega-mass murderer Henry Kissinger’s #1 protege is Austrian Nazi Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum. He and his billionaire buddies love vaccines, vaccine apps, war, and are really, really big into developing the cashless society.

This transition is being done worldwide with the creation of CBDCs, Central Bank Digital Currencies. (Apologies to those who know this, I’m not trying to be a smart ass, but many are unaware that this is occurring.)

As the CBDCs go active, there will likely be major suffering (distractions) from WAR and PANDEMIC #2, and most will likely welcome the transition. Like we welcomed the ‘vax’. Like we welcomed war with Russia. Folks will be grateful for CBDCs when they arrive: they will be grateful to have food and medicine again, etc., as the chaos from a hacked internet makes the basics of life unreachable for most. Many will die. Many will suffer. The WEF goons know the suffering will be tremendous: they don’t care. These people are sociopaths.

Klaus Schwab, who has ‘penetrated cabinets across zee globe’: Justin Trudeau, Jay Inslee, Jacinda Williams, Gavin Newsom, and many many more communist/fascist types throughout the globe.

Klaus warned us: “A comprehensive zyber attack will make zee covid crisis look like a valk in zee park”.

And folks are gonna be pissed! (Who took the money?)

One thing the WEF/BIG TECH/BIG BANKS/BIG PHARMA/BIG WAR folks will be able to control is our ability to buy…ANYTHING!

Here is a WEF goon, a whore to the billionaires, smiling as he talks about they will soon be able to ban us from buying ammo: (you simply don’t allow the transaction to occur on the app):

Using the ‘vax app’ (which will become the CBDC ‘everything app’) is how Noam Chomsky would accomplish his objective of banning folks like me (who have not and will not EVER put experimental mRNA-technology from the creepy Silicon Vally Tech Bros. into our bodies) from grocery stores:

Of course, none of this might happen at all.

The war the Biden Administration and NATO picked with Russia is ramping up to nuclear heights. Nope, mentally-compromised Trump didn’t bring us to the precipice of nuclear war. It is happening RIGHT NOW because of the war pigs running NATO and the Biden Admin:
