Opening Reception! Belluschi, White, Conley

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The Cannon Beach Gallery is proud to announce “Belluschi, White, Conley.” This exhibition features paintings by Chris Belluschi, Frankie White, and Martin Conley, on view July 28 – September 3, 2023. Artist Frankie White’s contemporary impressionistic style captures the spirit of the natural world. This current collection of 15 paintings is inspired by the varied landscapes of the north Oregon coast. These scenes and subjects are diverse, ever changing and always inspiring. This collection of sculpture by Chris Belluschi, is inspired by archaeological artifacts, in particular those of cultures in and around Mediterranean. These contemporary works evoke the profound beauty that can exist in objects far removed from their days of peak splendor. Martin Conley has been working with wood for over 40 years, both as a sculptor and a carpenter. Martin likes to fined misshaped and unusual pieces of wood, letting the wood guide the process to a finished product..
Join us Friday July 28, 2023 from 4:30 – 6:30 for our artist reception, meet the artists, enjoy refreshments, and view the new collection.
The Cannon Beach Gallery is open 7 – days a week from 10 – 4PM and located in Mid-Town Cannon Beach 1064 S Hemlock St. Cannon Beach, OR 97110. A 501(3)(c) nonprofit organization, CBAA was founded with the intent to bring a wide variety of programs to members of our community and to visitors to the Pacific Northwest coast.