Friends Flowers

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Have you all heard about the changes to the days Friends of North County Recreation District is selling flowers next to the Little Apple in downtown Manzanita? Well, get a pen and paper, and I’ll give the information to you. Friends of NCRD will start your week out right by having your flower bouquets ready by 9 AM Monday morning. We will also be selling on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. We take Sunday and Wednesday off and spend those two days talking to our flowers, encouraging them to grow. A little aside here-shhh-this is a surprise-Chung and Judy and their three children have owned the Manzanita Grocery and Deli for 25 years tomorrow. August 1 is the day they started running the store. Come on down after 9 AM for a piece of cake and a cup of coffee. They have been wonderful citizens of our community and generous donors to many local events. Ok, you’ve seen how I’ve camouflaged this invite into the Friends information. Back to Friends of North County Recreation District…we take special orders, birthdays, dinner parties, family reunions-we can do it all. Some of us can sign and some of us can’t, but we could do a Happy Birthday Bouquet too. Call Gail at 503-830-3759 if you’d like a special bouquet. We do deliver for free in the local area. As for flower arrangers, we are still short. You can volunteer for this task by calling Gail at the number above.