Let’s keep trying in a small county

Submitted By: codger817@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Let’s keep trying this in a small town/county, meeting once a week for a civil discussion. There will be a zoom meeting every Friday at 9AM and every Saturday at 10AM for “reds”, “blues”, and “in-betweens”. We’ve grown to a group of 8, but still limited to us 5 “blues” and “in-betweens”. We really would like some “reds” to join in. “Blues” sometime stereotype “others” as stupid and evil. It’s absolutely not the right thing to do, but sometimes it’s hard to stop unless “others” step up and represent themselves. Simple ground rules, 1. Everybody brings their best manners. 2. Nobody talks for more than 4 minutes at a stretch. 3. Nobody comes to win an argument or change somebody’s mind. 4. Listening is as important as speaking. I’d like to say this was all my idea, but I was inspired by option 5 of the Braver Angels “Rise for America” program. braverangels.org/rise/ Here’s the link for zoom meeting. If anybody is interested in different time/day contact Jim Heffernan at codger817@gmail.com The invite link for Friday 9AM meeting is us06web.zoom.us/j/82147366055?pwd=VTU1UWVzYnUxOC8zWE1qRUkxRUJhUT09
The invite link for the Saturday 10AM meeting is Invite Link us06web.zoom.us/j/83271599024?pwd=TTg5dUtydk1McTFpd21nYTNDaFdBZz09