NCRD. My support is over

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To my Community, NCRD & the board of NCRD.

I acknowledge lashing out inappropriately during the Board meeting on Thursday. I accept being muted, I wasn’t being heard anyway.

My concerns:
A 1.7 million dollar discrepancy of stated ‘donor donations’ when those money actually included Timber revenue. This may not seem like an issue to some and it could jeopardize future grants being funded, if discovered false information is reported.

Another ‘permit’ not retained with a lot of finger pointing as to why. The reason is clear, the NCRD needs to hire an Employer Representative to oversee the pool project. Not one person, including the contractor has ever built a pool or managed a project of this size. This was suggested to the Board 3 years ago via the contractor for the Seaside School Project, he even stated ‘the NCRD has no idea what is going to come at them’. The suggestion was ignored. Interesting that the little Pine Grove project had an Employer Rep? But then Wally B did tell us all that the Board has their own way of doing things….

One funny, someone wrote to the board asking for a skate park be built near the Pickle Ball courts. Jack used good sense this time when he didn’t say what he said when I asked for a skatepark committee be formed 3 years ago which was ‘we’re building them a 10 million dollar pool, they should be grateful”! Good Luck with that skatepark!

The school swim program is 1/3 of what it was.

The NCRD operation tax levy is on the ballot in November. I have lost faith in the NCRD. I will be VOTING NO.