Friends of NCRD Need your Help

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Oh my, aren’t we all glad it has cooled off! Friends of North County Recreation District (NCRD) are still selling flowers and we need your help in a couple of ways. First would be we are running out of vases. If you or your group have some vases, we would love to have them. You can leave them either at the North County Recreation District in Nehalem or under the tables where we sell flowers next to the Deli in downtown Manzanita. Having them no larger than 3.5 inches at the base would earn you bonus points-and you thought no one was keeping track. Friends also need more help with flower arranging. Please come and help Friends raise funds for scholarships, programs, and projects. If you can help, please call, or text Gail, 503-830-3759 or Vases and Helpers are what we need. Sales have been going well and we thank those who are enjoying our flowers. Remember, sale days in downtown Manzanita-Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday. Sunday and Wednesday off. Thank you all!