October is breast cancer awareness month. Enjoy local wellness opportunities

Submitted By: wingsforwisdom@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Hello community 🙂

The first step in breast cancer prevention is awareness, the next steps are lifestyle habits. This month, I’ll be holding two Breast Health classes on Friday October 13th. One daytime and one in the evening. I’ll also be hosting some free group nature walks to discuss general self-care habits. Both the classes and hike events will address prevention as well as empower against recurrence.

I’m a health coach with much personal experience in this arena and a bodyworker for 25+ years.

These empowering classes include:
*Info session to understand your risk level and what you can do based on it
*Learn self-care massage, acupressure, reflexology, aromatherapy plus enjoyable qigong and dance movement
*10ml roller bottle with plant oils for breast health
*Info on thermography scanning and how to use for screening
*Learn foods to increase and decrease and when to use intermittent fasting for cancer prevention and general breast health
*Enjoy healing delicious tea and snacks
*** Steam sauna and kelp clay mask or near-infrared light experience and clay mask to take home
***Steam sauna is the daytime class at NorthFork53 Communitea Wellness. Near-infrared experience is the evening class at Pauseful Massage & Botanical in Manzanita.

October 13, Friday 10am-1:30pm Cost $80
October 13, Friday 5:30pm – 8pm Cost $60

All registration will happen though me. Please keep a lookout for the link to register in the next few days. You can also reach out for a payment link directly.
Nature walk dates and times will be posted here at least two days prior as they will be chosen for optimal weather.
Thank you!

Please ask me if you have any questions.
Bring a friend and spread the health!!

If you’re ready for personal health coaching for this or other wellness goals, let’s talk! Consultations are free.

In kindness,
~ Libby
Time and Tide Health Coaching
“Healing through aligning with natures rhythms”