Fund NCRD in November

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Fund NCRD in November

After moving to Manzanita in 2004, I became aware of the North County Recreation District like many people probably do – by seeing it on my property tax statement. Having raised my children in the suburbs of Portland, I was familiar with the benefits and taxation associated with parks and recreation districts. I was quite delighted to learn that the kiddos in this small rural area had opportunity to benefit as my children had through swim, soccer, and basketball programs. As time went on, I learned that NCRD offered much more.

I visited NCRD for the first time when I attended a performance put on by students of an annual music camp. The transformation of that theatre to the state-of-the-art facility that it is now is remarkable. It exemplifies the hard work and dedication of those that have led the way at NCRD and the community that has always come through when asked to support it.

I’m not a frequent user of NCRD facilities and services, but probably like many of you, when I need it, I appreciate that it’s there. I’ve attended performances, art shows, some yoga sessions and other classes, community meetings and have rented meeting spaces. A recent visitor very dedicated to his daily workout was so pleased to use the exercise facilities for a nominal fee and enjoyed meeting some of the locals, too. How many small rural communities can provide such a benefit to its visitors?

Long before NCRD was formed, in 1930 the community cast their votes in support of school district members, city council members and funding that built and maintained the swimming pool and beginning programs. Voters decided in 1996 to establish the tax base to fund facility maintenance and program support.

In 1997 NCRD began operations to renew the life and benefits of the aging facilities. Voters continue to maintain the leadership and governance required of a special district. Choices are revisited whenever a term has expired, and candidates come forward to be on the ballot. This election is about funding and keeping this important community asset in operation at the same property tax rate we are already paying.

NCRD is part of the community fabric, including our economy, through its programs, services, staff, board of directors and the many members and visitors. In my opinion it is thriving and driving to be what the community wants it to be.

Please join me in keeping this legacy alive by voting YES for the renewal of the NCRD tax levy.

Debbie Moberly