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Jeff’s JW Merc ‘roadside pop-up” visit to WHEELER will be on TUESDAY November 14th from at least 11-4. This will be the only pre-Thanksgiving visit so we hope to see you there! At the booth will be NW-local raw honey of all sizes/colors (gift sizes too), real Vermont maple syrup, wholesome BEE POLLEN, OG chocolate sauce, OG apple-cider vinegar, “gametime” snacks, best-grade canned Albacore tuna and more… Pre-orders can be placed directly with Jeff via e-mail:, by text to his cell: 208-424-0042 – or through the Jeffrey Warren or JW Merc Facebook pages. Should anyone need a delivery for one reason or another it’s possible to squeeze in 2-3 of those as well… See you on TUESDAY NOVEMBER 14TH in WHEELER!!! jw