Our next gathering will be Monday, Nov. 13th, 2-4pm, $5 Admission
We’ll hold a discussion about one of the most popular topics selected by the group who attended in October: A Conversation About Finding Our Passions and Living our Best Possible Lives.
We’ll offer a few questions to ponder:
How can you redefine playfulness as you age?
What brings you feelings of contentment? Peace? Happiness? What lights you up? What fulfills you?
When do you most feel a sense of well being?
What in your life helps you feel a sense of wonder, or most alive?
Do you have daily, weekly or annual rituals, habits or practices that improve the quality of your life?
Recall memories of things you loved doing as a kid. How did those activities make you feel? How can we recreate those same feelings at this time in our lives?
Please bring paper and pen for a brief writing exercise.
Topics for Future Sessions:
December 11 — Traversing the Edge Between Doing and Being and Finding Meaning and Happiness Despite Physical Limitations
We will offer questions for this conversation before the December program.
January 8 — Creating a Compassionate Community
The Conscious Aging and Community Connections Program is sponsored by Pine Grove Community House so we can keep admission at $5.
All money received goes to Pine Grove.
Hope to see you November 13th!
If you have questions about the program please respond to this posting.
Thank you, Tela and the Conscious Aging & Community Connections Team