Community Meeting-Protect our drinking water

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Please join us at our next community meeting on Oct 19th to discuss strategies for protecting our drinking water, including plans to initiate a statewide ballot measure to end all clearcutting, slash burning and pesticide spraying in our drinking watersheds. If you are interested in helping and/or have experience in ballot measures, please come to our meeting!
We will also be giving updates about the Nedonna Wave Planned Unit Development Appeal, and the Jetty Creek Watershed Acquisition. In addition, instructional materials and supplies will be available for those interested in participating in our letter-writing campaign to the Rockaway Beach City Officials regarding the Appeal.

All are welcome. Hope to see you there!

1999 Kia Sportage for sale

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Now needing a $1500 brake job, I’ve decided to no longer resurrect my old Kia. If I scrap her, I’ll keep the tires, with less then 6,000 miles, & the battery, purchased last spring, to have for sale.
Is anyone interested in:
* A set of P205/75R15 tires (with or without rims) with very decent full size spare – $300
* Less than one year old battery – $60
* The entire car for the price of tires & battery?
She still runs, but just won’t stop!

Email or call 503-368-3709 (landline, so no texts)

Davis vs Goliath

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My mailbox has been filled with mailers, most of them telling me how bad a certain opponent is, with a few telling me how hard a candidate is going to fight for me. Nice, slick mailers – the kind that would make me feel guilty for using them as firestarters, since they may have a slick plastic lining on them, and are probably so soaked in ink that they wouldn’t burn well anyway. 
The other day I was going through my mail, filling my recycling bin, when I stopped to check the balance of those mailers and fliers. I found a flier that the Davis campaign left when they knocked on my door, providing some history of who he is, and why he would work hard to represent me. I think every other item had come from the Javadi campaign, either directly or an organization supporting him. Note, most of them weren’t telling me what a great representative he has been, but rather scaring me with all the bad things his opponent would do. Negative campaigning at its best.
So I got out my virtual shovel and dug myself a rabbit hole, spending time checking out financial filings with the Secretary of State’s Office, where all candidates are required to report all contributions. This system is supposed to provide transparency to the voters. What I found is a true Davis vs Goliath story. 
Simply stated, Javadi is outspending Davis a ratio of more than 14 to 1: in this election cycle alone, Davis has expended just under $40,000, while the Javadi campaign has burned through over $570,000! 
So I wondered: Where is all that money coming from? I found that over $200,000 of the cash influx into Javadi’s campaign (just this year!) has come from a single source: the Bring Balance to Salem PAC. This PAC, formed in November 2021 in Portland by Greg Walden, now resides on a skip in Scappoose. This new PAC has invested an impressive $1.5 million in this year’s election cycle, but it also sits on over $4 million in the bank! Talk about a quick growth business model!
Having a little more time to kill, I dug further. In the past three years, Eugene’s own Pape and a few timber giants in Oregon (Roseburg, Freres, Murphy) and California (Sierra Pacific) have each contributed at least half a million dollars, but the grand prize goes to Phil Knight, who has contributed $2 million each year for three years straight! Yes, Mr. Nike gave six million dollars just to this one PAC, ensuring it will have plenty of money in the future, when campaign financing limits (finally) kick in. 
One would think that with all that money, and backed by an individual who got rich with the slogan Just Do It!, they would be able to run a positive campaign, and paint a positive picture of their candidate. 
Does it matter? I think so. 
Rather than listening to the negativity, I’m watching for Andy’s slingshot. 

Manzanita water billing — who knew?

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Who knew that water bills in Manzanita would be so controversial? The complaints were just complaints in the beginning. Now that a referendum is going forward, it costs substantial time and money. And really, for what purpose?
The city approved a new rate structure in July to catch up on nine years of inflation. The plan also rewarded water conservation, and we went to monthly billing.

Complaints about this needed adjustment seem oddly centered on monthly vs. quarterly billing without focusing on the required catch-up from nine years of no increases. And very little has been mentioned about conservation.

The city, with the help of numerous experts and the active participation of the community, meticulously crafted a new rate structure. This was not a hasty decision. It was a well-researched and considered change. However, due to the referendum, the water rate study was redone, incurring a cost of $8500, not to mention the additional time and more attorney fees. The city has already spent over $20,000 on attorney fees. This doesn’t include staff time.

A Yes vote keeps us on monthly billing. From Yachats to Astoria not one city is on quarterly billing. Monthly billing helps identify leaks quicker, awareness on usage and conservation, better financial planning and works with our City’s current billing and meter reading technology. Worried about paper bills? Go Paperless. The City charges NO fees for automatic payment. If you are charged a fee it is from your bank – ask why.

All of this confusion—for what? We needed a rate that covers the costs and a rate structure that encourages water conservation. This is what the city did.

Ultimately, the genuine cost is wasted time and dissension. We have a limited city staff and an unpaid city council. Their time is finite – and significant projects like the comprehensive plan are waiting.

Yoga with veterans and with Molly and Janet

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Hey all

Again you can always use the same link to get on each time. So come join us for Yoga! It’s fun, it’s free and it will make you healthy.

First there’s Yoga with Molly.
Day – Monday
Time. – 11:15 PST
Place – Tillamook YMCA

If you can’t join in person, you can still zoom in via the following link:

Next there’s Yoga with Janet.
Day – Wednesday
Time – 10:30 PST
Place – NCRD in Nehalem

If you can’t join in person, you can still zoom in via the following link:

Come join us. Everyone is welcome.


Monday October 14, 2-4pm Pine Grove Get to Know Your Community Health Resources

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Hello conscious aging and community connections Friends!

The conscious aging and community connections program is held on the second Monday of each month from 2-4pm. Sponsorship by the Pine Grove Community House allows us to keep admission at $5 per session.

All proceeds go directly to the Pine Grove Community House.
Our overall program goals are to bring people in our community together, to get to know one another at a deeper level, and to encourage one another to live our best possible lives. Everyone is welcome to join us!

On Monday October 14, the theme for our gathering is Get to Know Your Community Health Resources. Gail Nelson, CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of Nehalem Bay Health Center & Pharmacy, and Leann Hoffhines, Communications Director, will be here for a discussion of the services provided at Nehalem Bay Health Center & Pharmacy, as well as an update on the new facility. Bring your questions about local health services, the ones they provide and the ones they refer out to other local resources. If you have accessed resources and have information to share, bring that long. Always great to know what is available before you need it.

October 14, 2 – 4pm at the Pine Grove Community House in Manzanita. Please arrive before 2 as we will start promptly.
Upcoming programs:

Monday November 11: Lets Shift the Vibe to Calm and Connection. Join us for a Singing Bowls and meditation session. Christy Kay will bring her singing bowls. You are encouraged to bring you own yoga mat and pillow/blanket for the session.

Our committee is busy planning future topics. We’ll send out announcements as they get finalized.

If you have suggestions for topics you’d like to explore in this group, please let us know.

If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please email Kathie Hightower <> to let us know.

We, the members of the conscious living and community connections team, are so very grateful to be part of this wonderful community!

Mary Ruhl, Kathie Hightower, Kathleen Moore, Jan Hamilton, and Dori Bash

The Girl on the Train MUST SEE!!!

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Don’t miss this: It’s incredibly well performed and presented; kept us guessing til the end. And I didn’t have nightmares though…




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Community Meeting-Protect our drinking water

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Please join us at our next community meeting on Oct 19th to discuss strategies for protecting our drinking water, including plans to initiate a statewide ballot measure to end all clearcutting, slash burning and pesticide spraying in our drinking watersheds. If you are interested in helping and/or have experience in ballot measures, please come to our meeting!

We will also be giving updates about the Nedonna Wave Planned Unit Development Appeal, and the Jetty Creek Watershed Acquisition. In addition, instructional materials and supplies will be available for those interested in participating in our letter-writing campaign to the Rockaway Beach City Officials regarding the Appeal.

All are welcome. Hope to see you there!

No Virginia, the President Cannot…………….

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……..Get Rid Of Medicare!! Only the congress can do that!! As far as The View is concerned, I rate it maybe a quarter of a star for truth in politics. And that would be by accident!!
I am worried about medicare and social security however because as a country we are going broke – and as I listen to financial experts (?) I hear that if our (USA) debt gets any bigger it is not sustainable – and I think that is the goal of the DNC. This party has been chosen by the 1% to carry out the New World Order plans in this country. I will write more about that later. I have to say that everyone in my immediate family – me, my kids and my grandkids are all Democrats, except that I turned Independent when I realized where the Democratic party is leading us. In Oregon the Independent Party is now equal or larger in size to either the Dems Or Republican Party.

The 1% who own 99% of everything in the world have won the game of monopoly on this planet and have chosen whoever they can buy – which is 99% of the population, to put their plans in place. For the last couple of years the WEF (the World Economic Forum thru the United Nations) has been telling you what their plans are for you – yes you but probably you were not paying attention. You might find them on you tube – if you can, try watching in chronological order.

Our elections! “The Supreme Court made a critical decision in protecting the American right to vote. Non-citizens, illegal immigrants, and foreign nationals do not have the right to vote in this country or determine the integrity of our elections. Americans deserve confidence in knowing that only legal citizens are casting their vote in the United States of America.”

Yet! – the Oregon Democratic majority legislature has found that over over twelve hundred non documented persons are registered to vote in Oregon. OMG they say – we had no idea – Oh they sure do.! I am an elections denier and for good reason as you can see. Also Oregon’s Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum told the public a year or so ago that our election computers were not hackable but when testifying in court she said they were hackable! No confidence in that Oregon official!!!.

I decided the problem is the political parties which very very effectively divide us from being able to even think without bias. For example – I suggested to a neighbor that she join Taxpayers of Oregon, a group that watches how our tax dollars are being spent. She said – “ NO – there might be a Republican in that group!! I was so astonished at that reply.

The opposite party are LEPERS I guess, but you can see how crippled our thinking has become.

I am in the process of moving to a state in which in order to vote you have to go to your precinct and show them your ID before you can cast a vote. That is the ONLY WAY I feel to have verifiable election results. And which party wants that?! I ask you. Why not try to bring this type of voting back to Oregon?

Electrician Recommendations for standby generator repair

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Help needed with repair of whole-house standby generator (Kohler 48RCL, 48KW).
Looking for an electrician with some experience with this unit or other similar high-power generators.
Power Systems West (Kohler dealer) wants too much just to come out from Portland and troubleshoot the unit.
Thanks in advance for any interest or advice

Spa Manzanita – Locals Special Is Back!

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Spa Manzanita We Love Locals Special is back again!
Summer crowds have subsided. Weekends continue to be busy, but mid-week is divinely serene.

Consider this your reminder to take advantage of this time for some relaxation and restoration with a massage or facial. Or try an infrared sauna, reflexology, or Reiki session for a wellness treat. Stay tuned for vibroacoustic therapy (vibration and sound) coming soon.

10% off all treatments and wellness sessions for appointments mid-week (Sunday – Thursday, closed on Tuesdays) now through end of the 2024.

Book online at or give us a text/call at 503.689.8679

Studio Apartment and a One Bedroom Home for rent

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We have a furnished studio apartment available for a six month sublet and also a furnished one bedroom home available for a six month sublet. Both are located in Nehalem. The studio apartment can begin November 1 or December 1. This one is $1,250.00 with wi-fi included. The one-bedroom home can begin December 1. This one is $1,450.00 with wi-fi included. Utilities are the renters responsibility. Both are wonderful. Looking for a single person or couple. References and verification of income will be required. For more information please text us at 503-706-1563

Lee Blackmon Scrimmage and Picnic is tomorrow Sunday Oct 13th!!!

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Hello BBQ Community-

Please join us TOMORROW!! for the Annual Lee Blackmon Soccer Scrimmage and Picnic! This FREE, FUN event will be held at 4 PM Sunday October 13th, at Nehalem Elementary School Field, 36300 8th St, in Nehalem.
Bring your family, friends, and neighbors – EVERYONE is invited to share the fun in Lee’s name, including your animals!

There will, of course, be a soccer scrimmage- play for a bit, play the whole time, adults and kids alike are welcome to play- and in typical Lee fashion, there are no rules other than to HAVE FUN!

We encourage you to come dressed in your Halloween costume – Lee loved seeing everyone in costume- we will have a few available, if you need one.

Don’t want to play soccer? No problem!
LEE ROCKS will be there with all you need to help you paint a LEE Rock. Plus, there will be face painting! And snacks!

Bring a chair/blanket, and whatever else you might need to enjoy the festivities. Hope to see you there!

Please contact Christy (503) 800-1092 for info/questions or to volunteer- THANK YOU!

United Paws’ Kittens Ready for Adoption

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United Paws’ Kittens of the Week: Ember and Ash
Ember is a handsome kitten with brown & black stripes and a fluffy white underbelly. He is very loving, socialized, and comfortable around kids of all ages, as well as adults and well-behaved dogs. Ember loves playing with other kittens and cats in the household, and if his foster says he’s happy to sit in her lap and play with her hair. This is one easy going, content kitten!
Whatever is going on in the household, Ember wants to be in the middle of it. He likes riding on your shoulder as you walk around taking care of household concerns, and if you let him, he’ll be your buddy and helper.
Ash is Ember’s brother and he also has a soft coat with a luscious tabby pattern of brown-tan-black stripes and white. His sweet disposition makes Ash a great cat. He likes cuddling in a human lap and he will definitely bond with his humans. And like his brother, Ember will tag along and help out around the house, or watch intently, interested in the day’s activities, at least until it’s nap time!
At first, Ash may be cautious since it takes him a little bit to warm up to new people. But once he knows you love cats, you are buddies. He’s good with other cats, well-behaved dogs, adults, and older children, but not very interested in toddlers and small kids.
Ash and Ember were rescued by United Paws from a hoarding situation with neglect and hunger. They were among 11 kittens rescued and now, several of the others have already been adopted. These two brothers are ready to have a forever home of their own, together or separately. They are neutered, vaccinated, microchipped, and healthy kittens! For more info on these kittens as well as others available for adoption visit United Paws’ website:
You can also call or email United Paws: Phone 503-842-5663.


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Step aboard a thrilling journey of mystery, obsession, and shocking twists in “The Girl On The Train” live on stage!
Rachel Watson longs for a different life.

Her only escape is the perfect couple she watches through the train window daily—happy and in love, or so it appears.

When Rachel learns that the woman she’s been secretly watching has suddenly disappeared, she finds herself as a witness and even a suspect in a thrilling mystery in which she will face bigger revelations than she could ever have anticipated.

From the best-selling book and major motion picture, now see the stage play!

Reserve your seats now at

RATED PG 13: Some content may not be appropriate for children under 13.

Coming this December:

TEEN NIGHT at North Coast Pinball Friday Oct 18th, 6-8PM

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Hello BBQ Community-

Teen Night at North Coast Pinball is Friday October 18th, 6-8 PM.
Please spread the word and send your teens in for FREE FUN.
Thank you

Call Christy (503)800-1092 for info/questions or to donate to this event run by volunteers and donations.

Bilingual STORY TIME at the Cannon Beach Library

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Date/Time: October 19, 2024 – 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Join us for bilingual spooky stories in both English and Spanish, followed by crafting and Halloween treats. Bring your littles to preview their costumes – kids in costume get a special prize! Best for ages 0-8, but all ages are welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Fecha/Hora: 19 de octubre de 2024 – 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Únase a nosotros para escuchar historias espeluznantes bilingües en inglés y español, seguidas de manualidades y golosinas de Halloween. Traiga a sus pequeños para que vean sus disfraces: ¡los niños disfrazados obtienen un premio especial! Ideal para niños de 0 a 8 años, pero todas las edades son bienvenidas. Los niños deben estar acompañados por un adulto.

Huge Textile and Jumble Sale

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Come See and Shop at the Textile and Jumble Sale!

To be held at the White Clover Grange 36585 Hwy 53 Nehalem OR 97131 Saturday October 19th from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
Lots of fun fabrics and quilting materials can be found for your sewing projects and crafting designs. Also, vintage handmade period quilts will be offered for sale, as well as printed tablecloths to dress up the holiday season dinner table!
A variety of textiles and assorted fabrics will be offered, including quilting cottons, fine silks, linens, wools, corduroys, “cutter quilts”, unique special occasion fabrics, and many clean “ready to upcycle” pieces.
For those interested in “broadening your horizons”, there will be an array of books and literature on sewing and crafting topics, also patterns for creating your own works of art.
“Jumble Sale” items for the kitchen include Wagner cast iron bakeware and a beautiful Rogers Bros silverplate flatware service for 12 that includes the matching serving pieces.
Also available to assist in your holiday meal preparations is an assortment of cookware and serve ware, as well as a variety of cool antiques to add to your seasonal home decor, and SO MUCH MORE!!! Stop by and say hello, you’ll have fun!

Andy Davis, Oregon House Representative District 32

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Oregon Voters’ Pamphlets are here!

Please vote for Democrat, Andy Davis for our State House Representative, Oregon District 32!

I’ve met Andy, he is experienced, knowledgeable and understands the needs of North Oregon coastal residents. His work with the Oregon Health Authority, in city government, and in volunteer organizations means he knows the issues we care about, and why we care about them:

Affordable Housing
Good Jobs
Health Care for All
Legislating Rural Issues in Salem

Endorsed by the Oregon League of Conservation Voters, the Teamsters, Planned Parenthood, (and many other groups), Andy is the real deal.
Unlike his opponent who co-sponsored the punitive Anti-Abortion SB1536, Andy affirms that a woman and her doctor should make her healthcare decisions, no one else.

Please vote: Andy Davis, Oregon House District 32!

Rockfish And The Changing Ocean

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Press Release
For immediate release
October 11th , 2024


Saturday, October 19th, 10 am – 12 pm

Join us for an enlightening event, “Rockfish and the Changing Ocean,” where we will dive into the fascinating world of rockfish and the evolving marine ecosystem off the Oregon coast.
The visiting scientist offering this presentation is Dr. Leif Rasmuson, the Marine Fishery Research Project Leader for Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.
In 2021, Dr. Rasmuson and his team conducted a groundbreaking survey using acoustics and underwater video, spanning the entire Oregon coastline for the first time in state history. This innovative research not only helped prevent drastic cuts to rockfish fisheries but also shed light on critical issues like hypoxia in nearshore waters. This research will be continued with a follow-up survey in 2025.
Additionally, Dr. Rasmuson will present about various rockfish projects currently underway in Oregon’s oceans. We’ll discuss the intriguing movements of Yelloweye rockfish, the behaviors of Deacon rockfish, and the concerning lack of older female Black, Yellowtail, and Canary rockfish.
Whether you’re a marine enthusiast, a fisherman, or simply curious to learn more about our ocean’s health, this event promises to provide valuable insights into the resilience and challenges of Oregon’s rockfish populations. Join us for an engaging discussion and a chance to learn more about Oregon’s first statewide black rockfish survey, and how it contributed to the 2023 rockfish population estimate.

Meeting Location: Register for details.

Registration Required: Get more information and find a link to register on our website at:

Cost: There is no cost to attend this program. Donations are appreciated.
Questions or Cancelations? Contact

Space will be limited and this event will fill up quickly. We want to ensure that as many people are able to enjoy this presentation as we have space for. If you register and your plans change making you unable to attend, please let us know so that we can offer your spot to someone else.

Consider donating:
Your donation helps in supporting the work of our organization. Every little bit helps! All of our workshops, classes, and events are free. As a non-profit organization, we rely on donations and grants to keep us going, and growing.
If you would like to donate, you can donate on our website.

WEBS and partners are hosting this event as part of the Explore Nature series of hikes, walks, paddles, and outdoor adventures. Led by a consortium of volunteer community and non-profit organizations, these meaningful nature-based experiences highlight the unique beauty of Tillamook County and the work being done to preserve and conserve the area’s natural resources and natural resource-based economy. Learn more about Explore Nature at

Connect with the Friends of Netarts Bay WEBS online!
Social: @netartsbaywebs


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Step aboard a thrilling journey of mystery, obsession, and shocking twists in “The Girl On The Train” live on stage!

Rachel Watson longs for a different life.

Her only escape is the perfect couple she watches through the train window daily—happy and in love, or so it appears.

When Rachel learns that the woman she’s been secretly watching has suddenly disappeared, she finds herself as a witness and even a suspect in a thrilling mystery in which she will face bigger revelations than she could ever have anticipated.

From the best-selling book and major motion picture, now see the stage play!

Reserve your seats now at

RATED PG 13: Some content may not be appropriate for children under 13.

Rental needed

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My friend and co-worker has to move by12/16 at the latest or she will be homeless. Apartment or house Astoria to Tillamook but the closer to Cannon Beach the better as she works there. She is a single woman in her seventies with one cat. Any options appreciated. Thanks!!