LGBTQIA+ Meeting Return to TBCC

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After a brief absence regular LGBTQIA+ Meet and Greets will resume at the TBCC Campus.

Monthly Topics will be presented along with post presentation discussion session, then some visiting time.

Refreshments will be served.

Please join us on October 17th at 6:00pm – 7:30pm
4301 3rd Street in Tillamook.

Members of the PRIDE community and allies are welcome.

If you have any questions, please contact Jude at judeschlotzhauer@tillamookbaycc.ed

Never accept blame, flood the zone with lies, big lies

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Many of us are baffled why anyone would vote for Trump. Could Trump supporters simply be deceived and manipulated?

WHAT! How ridiculous to suggest half the US voting population is deceived and manipulated.

Read the article and see if it doesn’t ring some bells. I’ve included a few excerpts from the article here to give you the gist of the argument.

Letters from an American
OCT 06, 2024

I’m a history professor interested in the contrast between image and reality in American politics. I believe in American democracy, despite its frequent failures.

Some excerpts from this Oct 6 article:

“Trump’s lies are not errors. They are part of a well-documented strategy to overturn democracy by using modern media to create a false political world.”

“The Democrats don’t matter,” Bannon told a reporter in 2018. “The real opposition is the media. And the way to deal with them is to flood the zone with sh*t.” Keeping listeners constantly trying to defend what is real from what is not destroys their ability to make sense of the world.”

“Many people turn to a strongman who promises to create order. Others will get so exhausted they simply give up. As scholar of totalitarianism Hannah Arendt noted, authoritarians use this technique to destabilize a population.”

“This system made sense in former Soviet republics, where it enabled leaders to avoid the censorship that voters would recoil from by instead creating a firehose of news until people became overwhelmed by the task of trying to figure out what was real and simply tuned out.”

“In his autobiography Mein Kampf, or “My Struggle,” Adolf Hitler wrote that people were more likely to believe a giant lie than a little one because they were willing to tell small lies in their own lives but “would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.” Since they could not conceive of telling “colossal untruths…they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.”

“The U.S. Office of Strategic Services had picked up on Hitler’s manipulation of his followers when it described Hitler’s psychological profile.”

“It said, “His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.”

“Bunch points out that MAGA Republicans insist on the right to lie, considering any fact-checking “censorship,”

Yoga with veterans and with Molly and Janet

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Hey all.
Yoga is back, but I goofed. I didn’t put Molly’s info in on time. For future reference, you can use the link that we always use. It’s always the same. Anyway I’m putting out Janet’s info on time. Again you can always use the same link to get on each time. So come join us for Yoga! It’s fun, it’s free and it will make you healthy.

First there’s Yoga with Molly.
Day – Monday
Time. – 11:15 PST
Place – Tillamook YMCA

If you can’t join in person, you can still zoom in via the following link:

Meeting ID: 865 7787 7885
Passcode: 002834

Next there’s Yoga with Janet.
Day – Wednesday
Time – 10:30 PST
Place – NCRD in Nehalem

If you can’t join in person, you can still zoom in via the following link:

Come join us. Everyone is welcome.



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Good news for anyone who missed the last Hoffman Wonder Garden Plant Sale!

We’re having a pop-up sale of MANZANITAS this THURSDAY, OCT 10th 12-2PM in the WG.

Here’s the list of our Awesome Arctostaphylos:

(4) ‘Monica’ – big, beautiful & adaptable. Can get 9’x9’. We’re talking privacy!

(10) ‘Austin Griffiths’ – a gorgeous tree form to 9’ x 6’. Big pink flower clusters!

(15) ‘Howard McMinn’ – elegant, handsome specimen to 7’. Takes a bit of shade!

(7) ‘James Roof’ – showy diamond-shaped lvs on 2’x4’ weed-smothering shrub!

(5) ‘Warren Roberts’ – fiery new growth goes gray-blue. 4’x8’ show off!

(1) ‘Louis Edmonds’ – amazing bark and vivid pink flowers on narrow 6’x4’ plant!

(6) ‘Myrtle Wolf’ – the most admired manzi in WG for deep pink flowers and new foliage. To 5′ x 5′!


Veterans for Peace Meeting – Everyone is welcome

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Hey all

Our VFP Meeting is coming up. It’ll be good to get together again. Come one, Come all. You need not be a veteran to attend.
The following is the info:

Date – Thursday, October 10th
Time. – 10:30 PST
Place. – Off Shore Grill (Manzanita)

If you can’t attend in person. You’re more than welcome to attend via ZOOM. The following is the link:

VFP is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 865 2825 9727
Passcode: 628643

Dermatologist recommendation

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Hello BBQ folks:
It’s time for me to have a check over from a dermatologist and I’m looking for a recommendation. There a two local clinics, Clear Choice in Warrenton and Silver Falls (now Frontier) in Astoria. I’ve heard some mixed reviews on those, but maybe you really like one of them.
Or, I could go to Portland, in which case I’d like to stay on the west side. Any positive experiences with a dermatologist at St Vincent’s?
Send me an email!
Vivi Tallman

Jerry Spegman Seeks Re-election to Manzanita City Council

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I am running for re-election to a second term on Manzanita’s city council, and I would greatly appreciate your support.

During my first term I served with eight different councilors and three different mayors. After having one city manager from 1996 to 2016, Manzanita has had three since. And through all this turnover, the work of the city continued. Challenges were met, and progress was made.

As a councilor, I’m one of about thirty volunteers that make our citizen-driven local government work. We serve on the Planning Commission, Budget Committee, STR Committee, Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee, and City Council. We have a variety of backgrounds and represent a diversity of perspectives. We attend a whole lot of meetings, read a load of reports, and do plenty of independent research on behalf of the residents of Manzanita, as well as its many non-voter stakeholders.

We collaborate with our outstanding city staff to address an array of issues, not just for today but often with impacts well into the future. We are constantly building on the work of our predecessors, and planning for the work of our successors.

Manzanita is in the early stages of revising its Comprehensive Plan, and we need to reach a workable consensus on what kind of community we want to be. We have far more houses than residents, and with that come more complexities to address than in a typical town of 600. We need our revised plan to reflect how we see ourselves now, and moving forward. Our revised plan will drive policy decisions in the years ahead impacting our finances, housing stock, environment, commercial development, demographics and more.

Local governments can at times be short-sighted or reactive, but I see little risk of that here, particularly under the leadership of an exemplary mayor and an extraordinary city manager. It’s an honor to serve with them, and with the other volunteers and staff that make our city work. From where I sit, we are blessed to have so many committed people offering their talent and effort to enhance our community. I appreciate the calm, deliberative, and measured approach regularly on display at both the volunteer and staff levels, and I believe Manzanita voters can support the current team with confidence.

Men’s Group

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What: An inclusive and diverse Men’s Group
Where: 34610 Lodgepole Drive in Pine Ridge neighborhood
When: Second and Fourth Sunday of every month
Next : Sunday, October 13th, 3:00pm
Why: It is beneficial to experience a diverse circle of men – all ages – all walks of life – all points of view – let’s expand the possibilities
How: A few of us have been meeting for over ten years, others are new to the process. Each man adds to the gathering. We all have connection to a vast knowledge. The group intelligence is more expansive than the individual awareness. There is a great release and power in sharing our wisdom and vulnerabilities.
We are confidential.
We are inclusive.
We are diverse.
New men are always welcome in this circle.
Bring yourself.
Be yourself.
Add yourself to the mix – see what happens.
If you need directions or have questions call Michael at 503-616-6538
We have been dormant for a few years and are moving towards becoming active together again.

Save our wetlands! Support the Appeal!

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Reminder! Please help to support the appeal of the RB Planning Commission’s decision to allow the Nedonna Wave Planned Unit Development to go forward! It is very important to let the City Councilors hear, in a personal way, from all of us about our concerns about the Nedonna Wave PUD. Areas of concern may include loss of wetland habitat (the land and the wildlife), detriments to water quality and quantity, and increased housing density.
The City Council has decided to hold a hearing concerning this appeal. If possible, please attend the Rockaway Beach City Council meeting Wednesday, October 9, at 6:00 p.m. You could be there in-person or watch it on Zoom. Additionally, you can submit written comments about the appeal. You can email your comments to the City Recorder Melissa Thompson at least 48 hrs in advance of the meeting. Her email is:

Hope to see you there!

Old House Dahlia’s Pumpkin Patch

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Old House Dahlias’ pumpkin patch is located just 6.6 miles south of Tillamook. Free hay rides included with purchase. Average price is $0.50/lb. Choose from eight varieties of pumpkins! We also stock pie pumpkins for cooking!
Open 10-5, Saturday and Sunday Every weekend in October
Location: Old House Dahlias 11600 Hwy 101 South Tillamook, Oregon (503) 771-1199

Conscious Aging program Monday October 14, 2-4, Get to Know Your Community Health Resources

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Hello conscious aging and community connections Friends!

The conscious aging and community connections program is held on the second Monday of each month from 2-4pm. Sponsorship by the Pine Grove Community House allows us to keep admission at $5 per session.

All proceeds go directly to the Pine Grove Community House.

Our overall program goals are to bring people in our community together, to get to know one another at a deeper level, and to encourage one another to live our best possible lives. Everyone is welcome to join us!

On Monday October 14, the theme for our gathering is Get to Know Your Community Health Resources. Gail Nelson, CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of Nehalem Bay Health Center & Pharmacy, and Leann Hoffhines, Communications Director, will be here for a discussion of the services provided at Nehalem Bay Health Center & Pharmacy, as well as an update on the new facility. Bring your questions about local health services, the ones they provide and the ones they refer out to other local resources. If you have accessed resources and have information to share, bring that long. Always great to know what is available before you need it.

October 14, 2 – 4pm at the Pine Grove Community House in Manzanita. Please arrive before 2 as we will start promptly.

Upcoming programs:

Monday November 11: Lets Shift the Vibe to Calm and Connection. Join us for a Singing Bowls and meditation session. Christy Kay will bring her singing bowls. You are encouraged to bring you own yoga mat and pillow/blanket for the session.

Our committee is busy planning future topics. We’ll send out announcements as they get finalized.

If you have suggestions for topics you’d like to explore in this group, please let us know.

If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please email Kathie Hightower <> to let us know.

We, the members of the conscious living and community connections team, are so very grateful to be part of this wonderful community!

Tela Skinner, Mary Ruhl, Kathie Hightower, Kathleen Moore, Jan Hamilton, and Dori Bash

Odor/Pest Control Needed

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We infrequently have a bad odor in a bathroom that is not explained by normal events, more like something has died. It lasts for a week or so and then fades away, only to recur a few months later. I have looked in the crawl space, under the vanity cabinet base and in the heating ducts and cannot identify any source for this smell. If you know of someone in the greater Cannon Beach area who might be able to help solve this mystery, please let me know who to contact. Dave Doering, email Thanks.


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5-star Airbnb suite with private entrance now available as long-term rental through April (negotiable).

Large bedroom with contemporary kitchenette; massive bathroom/yoga room; private patio with hot tub and ocean view.

This place is magic for the right person and dog, situated on top of Neahkahnie Mtn among giant Sitka spruce. The quiet is outstanding, the forest healing.

The fully-furnished suite is the first floor of a large private home. Owner is quiet and vegan, suite kitchen is vegetarian-cooking only. Dog can eat whatever he wants.

$1400/month inclusive. Ample info & photos upon inquiry.


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Several Wheeler City Council position are up for election on November 5, 2024.

Our current mayor, Clif Kemp, has chosen to not seek re-election, so we will be electing a new mayor.

We will also be voting on three open Councilor seats.

All elected candidates will serve 4-year terms. The October 7th forum is your opportunity to see and hear those individuals who have qualified to be on the ballot in November. All candidates have been invited and plan to be present on October 7th.

Questions? Contact Mike Anderson at

2014 Van

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2014 Chrysler Van
town and country limited.
Best offer takes it.

Blue book low to high $7000.00 – $9000.00

Fully loaded stow and go seating
DVD player
Back up Cam
All options
200k mls
Too much cool features to list
Call for more info


Handy Man Services Available

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Inquire about available work opportunities.
Landline: (971)324-0149


Greetings Nehalem,
I am a local resident and father of three seeking additional employment opportunities in the Nehalem/Manzanita/Wheeler/Miami Foley area.

If you have any projects that require attention, I am your go-to individual.

I possess a diverse skillset and am adaptable to various tasks. My skills encompass:

* Yard work (both large and small properties, with my own equipment)

* Painting (interior, exterior, cars, toys)

* Heavy equipment operation

* Guttering

* Skilled automotive mechanic

* Licensed driver

* Transportation services

* Errand running

* Pet sitting and walking

And much more!

If you have a project in mind that is not listed, please do not hesitate to inquire.

I am confident that I can assist you with your needs.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
I look forward to the opportunity to discuss your project requirements in further detail.

Please call to discuss work opportunities: (971)324-0149

I am an older father who relies on his daughters for assistance with emails and BBQ posts (haha, I am trying to learn, but my progress is slow). Therefore, please contact me by phone: (971)324-0149

Open Enrollment for Medicare Part D Starts October 15

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Medicare beneficiaries are able to switch their Part D drug coverage annually. The open enrollment period runs fromOctober 15th and runs through December 7th.

In regard to prescription drug coverage you may either:

Join, drop, or switch to another Medicare Advantage Plan (or add or drop drug coverage).
Switch from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage Plan or from a Medicare Advantage Plan to Original Medicare.
Join, drop, or switch to another Medicare drug plan if you’re in Original Medicare.

Medications seniors take can change quite often and it is worth taking a look at which plan you are currently on to see if it is the most cost effective.

Medicare offers an easy to use Part D plan calculator to help you determine the best plan for you. You enter each medication you currently take and the calculator will determine your costs for both premiums and drug cost as well as compare all Part D plans available in our region.

This is the link to the calculator:

If you need any assistance with the calculator or have any other questions regarding your Part D coverage feel free to reach out to me via email at

In health,

Richard Silverman

1993 Toyota Town Ace Van Japanese Right Hand Drive Manual

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Toyota Town Ace Super Extra 5-Speed Manual Transmission Right Hand Drive Japanese Import (U.S. Title) Low Mileage, great condition, and a great way to turn heads! Unusual wood steering wheel, Mork came to the U.S.A. with a lot of antennas (previous cab service car?) hence the name. A complicated CB radio system was replaced with a BlueTooth ready AM/FM radio. The van offers removable seats for travel van plans, or fold up back seats and swivel front for good times with travel companions.

2 Wheel Drive Petrol (a.k.a. Gas, not Diesel) Great gas mileage!


Body Style
Exterior Color
Interior Color
Gray Cloth

This 5 speed manual transmission right-hand drive van (Steering on the right side, stick shift on the left, folks) comes with a U.S. title, meaning you don’t have to worry about doing the difficult legwork of importing it yourself.

*currently titled in Oregon. Imported from Japan in 2020, it’s equipped with a metric instrument panel. (picture of mileage is in Kilometers-convenient conversion sticker included in sale)
* 14-inch wheels
* Rear wiper
* Cloth upholstery
* Fold flat third-row seats
* Air conditioning
* Power-operated windows

Things to know for a 30 year old car:
* Scratches, and faded paint around the exterior
* Small dent on the passenger-side door slider.
* Some rust on underbody components
All windows and skylights operate as expected. A/C blows moderately cold.
A tune-up was performed at Ben’s Japanese Auto in fall of 2023 (all fluids changed and systems checked) a problem detected with the rear differential was corrected by Evergreen Auto in Nehalem, Oregon (replaced bearings).
T-Rex travel companion included in sale.

Original import video is available on YouTube and a great way to view the car!

Lovely Wicker Loveseat and matching Chair for Sale

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Lovely, honey colored wicker loveseat and chair set for sale. This is real wicker not vinyl. It appears to be very well made. It is in barely used, excellent condition.

Very good quality wicker with attractive gold and cerise floral pattern, upholstered seat and back cushions. This set frequently receives compliments for how pretty it is.

It is light weight and easy to manage. Perfect for a furnishing a studio Airbnb or for a business waiting area. Local delivery to Nehalem or Manzanita might be possible.

Text or phone call preferred 503-812-2022
Text for photos. For some reason BBQ won’t upload them right now. Thank you