Our journalists and their companies provide people with the good, bad and ugly so that an informed citizenry can make healthy choices at the polls. Kari Lake joins a long list of those who would quash dissent and jail journalists and spread false conspiracies. Arizona declined to give her their support, twice! Secret on-line actors, using AI are already distorting the news and conspiracy theorists like trump and his minions will only make it worse. Call your representatives and demand better choices. Trump and the far right DO NOT hold all the cards. Be kind, but fight back against this tyranny. Our freedom depends upon it.
The “cabinet”
Our journalists and their companies provide people with the good, bad and ugly so that an informed citizenry can make healthy choices at the polls. Kari Lake joins a long list of those who would quash dissent and jail journalists and spread false conspiracies. Arizona declined to give her their support, twice! Secret on-line actors, using AI are already distorting the news and conspiracy theorists like trump and his minions will only make it worse. Call your representatives and demand better choices. Trump and the far right DO NOT hold all the cards. Be kind, but fight back against this tyranny. Our freedom depends upon it.