The effort to save the Nedonna Beach wetlands continues. As you know, the Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition filed an appeal of the Rockaway Beach Planning Commission’s approval of the proposed Nedonna Wave Planned Unit Development, Phase 2 (PUD-24). Thanks go to those who have attended or watched both the Rockaway Beach Planning Commission meetings and the City Council meetings regarding the appeal. Special thanks go to those who have given in-person testimony and/or have submitted comments to the City. The level of public support for the appeal has been strong and heartening. Plus the yard signs with the image of a kingfisher have helped generate attention to the environment that would be lost or further imperiled by allowing this PUD to be built.
Please consider attending one final Rockaway Beach City Council meeting regarding this issue on Wednesday, December 11 at 6:00 p.m. At that meeting, the Council will deliberate and decide either to support the appeal of Nedonna Wave or reject it. This will be a regular agenda item and, it seems, this will be one of the first items to be decided. (In other words, it shouldn’t be necessary to sit through the whole meeting to hear the decision.) The more people who show up in person (or who watch on Zoom), the better. City Council members need to see that we are not indifferent to this development. The appeal records have now been closed; therefore, no more testimony will be accepted. However, it is still important to show support for the appeal by attending in person or by Zoom, talking with neighbors and friends, posting on social media, and writing letters to the media. City Council meetings take place at Rockaway Beach City Hall; 276 Hwy 101; Rockaway Beach, Oregon.
To attend by Zoom go to:
To access City Council agendas go to: