Fermented veggies 101 class THIS TUESDAY Join us

Submitted By: wingsforwisdom@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Learn about the various benefits and pick up this essential cooking skill. Cooking with earths microbes makes veggies more nutritious and supports how we are able to digest the rest of our foods we eat them with while improving our immunity and health on other levels.

If you don’t have these foods as part of your regular diet, now is a great time to start! You can be eating yummy probiotic pickled carrots made in your own kitchen with your spring and Easter celebration meals. Kids (of all ages!) love the tangy and zippy taste too!

This is a two-part class. $35 includes both days. 1 hr each day. We reconvene on Tuesday the 8th to discuss how everyone’s processes went, answer questions and explore further recipes now that you’ll have successfully navigated a basic veggie ferment!

Tuesday March 25th
Tuesday April 8th
5:30-6:30 in the NCRD kitchen

Register Here: app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule/ca1456a5
Led by:
Libby Golden Seaver
IIN Health Coach

Disability Outdoors: Best Practices for Accessibility and Inclusion

Submitted By: dan@tillamookcoast.com – Click to email about this post
Disability Outdoors: Best Practices for Accessibility and Inclusion

Friday, April 4

10 am – 12 pm

Rockaway Beach CIty Hall

To register email dan@tillamookcoast.com

Join Tillamook Coast Visitors Association April 4 at Rockaway Beach City Hall for a special presentation about making outdoor spaces more accessible and inclusive for everyone.

Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, a community leader, or just want to learn about improving Tillamook Coast accessibility, this event is for you. Accessibility consultant Ashley Schahfer will lead a discussion on best practices for making the outdoors a more inclusive and accessible place.

Ashley is the owner of Empowering Access, whose mission is to provide equitable experience and knowledge-based guidance to those looking to engage in disability, equity, and inclusion work. Ashley has 21 years of lived experience in disability, two degrees in Architecture, and a Women’s studies certificate— her life mission has become thoughtful experience-based design and inclusion for the intersectional community with disabilities.

This is a free event.

Space is limited, sign up today.

A Zoom option will be made available.

Questions? Email Dan Haag at dan@tillamookcoast.com

Yoga with veterans and with Molly and with Janet

Submitted By: briantjmcmahon@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Hey everybody.

Come and have a good time. Start it with Yoga! It’s fun, it’s free and it will make you healthy.
Come join us. Everyone is welcome. Mark it on your calendar.

There will be no Yoga with Veterans with Molly on Monday. Monday March 31st is the next one.

Next there will still be Yoga with Janet.

Day – Wednesday
Time – 10:30 PST
Place – NCRD in Nehalem

If you can’t join in person, you can still zoom in via the following link:

See you there.


FREE Women’s Self-Defense Clinic

Submitted By: lynneejacks@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Saturday, March 29 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM Jiu Jitsu 101 Oregon Coast, Rockaway Beach
REGISTER HERE: www.jiujitsu101oregoncoast.com/event-details-registration/free-womens-self-defense-clinic-3
Safe communities start with education and prevention. Join us for an entry-level women’s self-defense clinic! Jiu Jitsu 101 Oregon Coast welcomes women ages 11+ to come and learn valuable information about how to de-escalate potentially dangerous situations, and techniques to leverage larger attackers.
This is a safe and welcoming community space to ask questions and learn valuable, potentially life-saving skills. Brand new students with no martial arts background are welcome to join and of course, we always welcome past participants who want to build on their foundation. Self-defense is a lifelong journey, and we are excited to welcome you to the start of yours!
How to prepare:
* Wear comfortable active wear (Please, no jewelry or clothing with metal buttons or zippers! These can injure others, and damage the mats) *Bring water and snacks as needed for a two-hour session *Have any questions ready so we have time to work on the answers in real time
Jiu Jitsu 101 Oregon Coast is pleased to offer our women’s self-defense clinics free of charge. Donations are always appreciated, or you can buy an academy t-shirt to show your support!
For questions, contact Coach Ronin, Shihan at 503-332-1274

Dance with Us on Sunday!

Submitted By: neahkahniespiritdance@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Neahkahnie Spirit Dance invites you to get up off the couch and move your body with us!

The Vernal Equinox is a cosmic event of the balance of light and dark. Come explore, play, and be in community as we dance through the portals and gateways of the turning of the wheel.

When: Sunday, March 23rd
11:30am – 1pm
Where: White Clover Grange

$10-$20 cash check or venmo @nknspiritdance
(kids are welcome to dance for free)
**no one turned away for lack of funds**

*All are welcome – Family friendly events – Come as you are.
*Dance connections are an option, be clear with your yes or no, verbal or nonverbal.
*Flow toys are welcome!
*Bring a water bottle and layers.
*Bring kindness and respect for yourself and others and your willingness to explore mind, body and spirit through movement.

Dance Etiquette/Tips:

*No outside shoes on the dance floor if possible (dirty floors aren’t fun to roll around on)
*Please no strong scents, including body odor.
*Incense, we’ll keep it in the foyer.
*We ask that you limit talking during the dance set. Set up, break time, and the foyer area are great places to have longer conversations to limit distractions for others.
*We are encouraging everyone to be mindful of each other’s safety and health and stay home if you are not feeling well or have been exposed to someone sick. Follow your own judgment on whether to wear a mask or not.

Operatic Performance at the North Tillamook Library in Manzanita!

Submitted By: breeze.duvall@tillamookcounty.gov – Click to email about this post
Join us at the North Tillamook Library in Manzanita tomorrow, March 22nd, for an operatic performance by Andrew Chukwuka Egbuchiem at 3pm! He is the winner of the Utah Philharmonics Orchestra Concerto 2025 Competition and came first place as the countertenor in the Kings Peak International Music Competition in 2021, among many other awards! For more information, you can visit his website here: andrewegbuchiem.com/index.html

TEEN NIGHT at North Coast Pinball is tomorrow Friday March 21st 6-8PM

Submitted By: Christy@cosmichealingnw.com – Click to email about this post
Hello BBQ Community-

TEEN NIGHT at North Coast Pinball is tomorrow, Friday March 21st, 6-8PM. FREE PINBALL and Games for ALL TEENS! ALL TEENS WELCOME!
I’m bringing the art supplies again too!
Please spread the word and send in your teens for FREE FUN! Thank you!

Contact Christy (503) 800-1092, Christy@cosmichealingnw.com for info/questions/or to donate

White Clover Grange grafting workshop

Submitted By: midwife@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
White Clover Grange hosts apple tree grafting workshop

On April 5 from 1pm to 4 pm, the Grange will host a grafting workshop that is free and open to the public.

We will feature heritage apple varieties that will be grafted on to semi-dwarf disease resistant root stock.

The art of grafting is an old one. Since apple trees do not reproduce the same variety from their seeds, farmers and horticulturalists take scion wood (a young branch from an existing tree) and attached it to a similar sized branch that has roots. The two branches are matched for size and then taped together. If done well, the two parts will fuse and a new tree will grow. The scion wood is responsible for the type of apple, while the root stock controls characteristics such as the height of the tree, vigor, and disease resistance.

Materials will be provided. However, if you would like to bring scion wood from your own trees, it is best to collect young branches about the size of a pencil as soon as possible, while the trees are still dormant, and place in a bag in the refrigerator until the workshop.

To sign up for the workshop or for more information, contact Jennifer Childress at 503-801-4078.

Cape Lookout Stewardship Day


Submitted By: vicky@netartsbaywebs.org – Click to email about this post

Cape Lookout Stewardship Day offers opportunities to give back and work to maintain our natural areas and restore healthy coastal landscapes.
Every year, WEBS partners with Cape Lookout State Park to offer opportunities to give back, maintain our natural areas, and restore healthy coastal landscapes. Our efforts to remove ivy and establish new native plants have made a huge impact in the park over the last few years.

This year, we will continue our efforts with ivy removal and native plant maintenance, AND we will be creating a new native pollinator garden in the day use area. Join park staff along with WEBS volunteers on Thursday, April 3rd, to prepare the bed for this new garden. “Events like this not only offer an opportunity to give back, participants can connect with others in the community, enjoy a day outdoors and hear about the successes and challenges for maintaining the health of Cape Lookout State Park” shares Marina Dreeben, WEBS Stewardship Coordinator. She goes on to say, “and keep an eye out for more Stewardship Days this Spring!”

Activities are designed to accommodate a variety of skill levels. Families are welcome.

What to Bring:
Water bottle and snacks
Long pants and sturdy boots
Rain gear and layers to stay warm and comfortable working on the Oregon Coast
Work gloves, hand pruners, shovels, and trowels if you have them! (WEBS will also provide tools)

Get more information and find a link to register on our website at:

Consider donating:
Friends of Netarts Bay WEBS is committed to offering high-quality, nature-based events led by experts, while also reducing the financial barrier of outdoor recreation. We do this by offering our events and programs at no cost to participants.

Your donation helps in supporting the work of our organization. Every little bit helps! As a non-profit organization, we rely on donations and grants to keep us going, and growing.
If you would like to donate, please visit our website.

WEBS and partners are hosting this event as part of the Explore Nature series of hikes, walks, paddles, and outdoor adventures. Led by a consortium of volunteer community and non-profit organizations, these meaningful nature-based experiences highlight the unique beauty of Tillamook County and the work being done to preserve and conserve the area’s natural resources and natural resource-based economy. Learn more about Explore Nature at www.explorenaturetillamookcoast.com.

Stay social with Friends of Netarts Bay WEBS online @netartsbaywebs


Co-Starters Event at NCRD

Submitted By: dan@tillamookcoast.com – Click to email about this post
Co-Starters, a national program managed in Oregon by Reinventing Rural, is offering a free, two-day Bootcamp to help you get your business idea off the ground. This four-part plan is designed to discover and refine your plan, how to promote your business, develop financial building blocks, and set goals.

Thursday, April 10 and Friday, April 11, 9am to 4pm
North County Recreation District – Nehalem
Register at: https://www.reinventingrural.com/costarters/

Sponsored by Tillamook County Creamery Association and the Tillamook  Coast Visitors Association

Dinner with the Doc: Taco Tuesday

Submitted By: info@gracefulwaveswellness.com – Click to email about this post
FREE Tacos and Life-Changing Health Tips? Yes, please!

Join us for Taco Tuesday + Dinner with the Doc!

March 25th | 7 PM
Graceful Waves Wellness Center
206 S. Marine Dr.
Wheeler, OR 97147

Dr. Dawn will share her 20+ years of expertise on how a healthy spine and nervous system can help everyone thrive. Bring your friends and family (up to 4 guests) and enjoy a free taco feast!

Only 24 spots available! Grab your seat now: Reserve here: www.eventbrite.com/e/1261705879249?aff=oddtdtcreator

Spring Renewal Shamanic Breathwork

Submitted By: sbwceremonies@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
The Winter has done its job of giving us dark days to go within, to reflect and to dream. What a blessing it is to have seasons to remind us of the rhythms of life!

And now we are on the cusp of Spring!

We will celebrate the closing of the Winter session Shamanic Breathwork on the Spring Equinox, March 20th!

REGISTER HERE: events.humanitix.com/shamanic-breathwork-journeys


This time of symmetry — equal light and dark — may help us remember that both aspects together create wholeness. We may reflect upon the light, the dark, no difference — that each is an opportunity to embrace and express the divinity within.

As we shake off the Hibernation of the Winter and step into the Renewal of Spring, we can ask ourselves questions to stir our innermost longings.

What does a new season mean personally and collectively?

In what ways might we shed old and habitual ways of being to embrace something new?

What might a new world —internal and external — look like?

Manzanita Writers Series Presents: A Literary Weekend with renowned poet Didi Jackson, March 21-23!

Submitted By: i.downes-leguin@hoffmanarts.org – Click to email about this post
Welcome Spring by exploring the beauty of paradox through the written word. Renowned poet Didi Jackson joins us at Hoffman Center for the Arts for a weekend of poetry readings, book signing, and a generative writing workshop to awaken our creativity in timing with this season of renewal.

March 21: 7:30-9:00 pm
Author Presentation and Poetry Reading
Hoffman Center for the Arts
Registration $20

March 22 & 23: 10:00 am-1:00 pm
Generative Poetry Writing Workshop
Hoffman Center for the Arts
Tuition $250
*Scholarships available*

March 22: 5:00-7:00 pm
Lit After Dark! Book Signing
Cloud & Leaf Bookstore

You can find more information and register on our website: hoffmanarts.org

Spring Break FUN at the Cannon Beach Library

Submitted By: info@cannonbeachlibrary.org – Click to email about this post
Spring Break is on at the Cannon Beach Library! Saturday, March 22 is STORY TIME: Come listen to bilingual stories (English/Spanish) about adventures to different cultures and places. Stay for choose-your-own crafting – choose from a variety of crafting projects and supplies. Free children’s books for participants. Best suited for ages 0-8, but all ages are always welcome.
Then join us for Spring Break Game Night on Friday, March 28th, from 5 to 7 p.m. This is a FREE event and families, kids, and adults are all welcome. We’ll have a good selection of games available for all ages, including board games, card games, group games, and kid’s games. Or, bring your own favorite. Don’t miss the popcorn buffet provided by Bruce’s Candy Kitchen!

Yoga with Veterans and with Molly and with Janet

Submitted By: briantjmcmahon@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Hey everybody.

Come and have a good time. Start it with Yoga! It’s fun, it’s free and it will make you healthy.
Come join us. Everyone is welcome. Mark it on your calendar.

First there’s Yoga with Molly.
Day – Monday
Time. – 11:15 PST
Place – Tillamook YMCA

If you can’t join in person, you can still zoom in via the following link:

Next there’s Yoga with Janet.
Day – Wednesday
Time – 10:30 PST
Place – NCRD in Nehalem

If you can’t join in person, you can still zoom in via the following link:

See you there.


Energy Healing Event

Submitted By: andrea@myessentialcollection.com – Click to email about this post

When: May 24th-25th

Where: Old Mill RV Event Center, Garibaldi

About: My Essential Collection is hosting their 7th Energy Healing Event – we are VERY excited how our little event is growing! There will be Sound Healing, Crystals, Readers, Tinctures, Life Coaches, Art, Jewelry, and more! We have local vendors, vendors from Portland & we even have from California! Get it on our your calendar! Invite your friends, make it a great weekend! Check our event on Facebook under My Essential Collection page – we are starting to post about vendors that will be joining us.

We also have a few vendor spots open. If you are interested contact Andrea Wolfe by emailing her at andrea@myessentialcollection.com

For any questions feel free to stop by our shop at 460 Hwy 101 S in Rockaway Beach or call 503-812-9997

Special ‘Grounding Gear’ class in Nehalem in April

Submitted By: seadreamnehalem@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
A very special ‘Grounding Gear’ class is happening in Nehalem’s Sea Dream studio in April! Deeply relaxing, grounding gear uses gentle compression (using the gear) and slow, soft movement to help support your lymph, fascia and general body wellness—not to mention beautiful, deep relaxation.
GROUNDING GEAR classes are specifically designed for each individual’s needs. This therapeutic approach is designed to: -work with lymph flow -increase strength & balance -calm the nervous system
This class is for YOU if you want more EASE in your body and more importantly, if you want to do MORE of the things you LOVE without pain!
To ensure a more personal experience, class sizes are limited so register NOW!
Sign up: SeaDreamScheduling.as.me/GroundingGear

NEW TIME for Spring Renewal: Yoga and Sound Bath in Nehalem in April

Submitted By: aprilclarkyoga@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
There is a NEW TIME for our upcoming workshop which April Clark, Sea Dream’s founder/owner, is offering for the full moon in April.

It will now take place on MONDAY, April 14 at 11am-1pm. In Nehalem in-person at the Sea Dream studio.

We sincerely hope you can make it! It will be a very fun, relaxing two hours to deeply renew so we can bloom like flowers do, despite whatever madness is happening in the greater world. Strengthening our inner calm can help us show up with strength for what needs us most.

Deep pools of self-healing, spaciousness, hearts blossoming open.

Sign up / learn more here (or see the flyer below in this email):

Cultured Foods for Vital Health Veggies 101 Spring break

Submitted By: wingsforwisdom@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Cultured Foods for Vital Health – Veggies 101

2 part workshop
Tuesdays March 25th & April 8th 5:30-6:30pm
at the NCRD kitchen
$35 for 1 Adult or 1 Adult plus 1 kid for free!
(first class with demonstration and understanding the microbial science is during spring break)

In the first class, we’ll cover the history, science and benefits of making and eating fermented veggies. You’ll see a demonstration with recipe to take and repeat at home. In two weeks, you’ll come back with questions and observations on your own fermenting experience plus learn additional veggie recipes to expand your new found essential culinary skill.

Read more and register on my website:
or register here:

I’m a health coach and studies as a master food preserver through Seattle Tilth. I’m also a home cooking enthusiast. I’d love to share this traditional gut loving skill with you!

Charles Goodrich, Fisherpoets and the Ghost of Clem Starck

Submitted By: info@cannonbeacharts.org – Click to email about this post
Charles Goodrich, Fisherpoets and the Ghost of Clem Starck

Join us for an evening filled with a cozy coffee house atmosphere and the sharing of poetry at the Cannon Beach Gallery from 4:30 to 6:30pm on March 22, 2025.

Oregon poet, novelist, gardener Charles Goodrich and local fisherpoets will gather Saturday, March 22 at the Cannon Beach Arts Association gallery to share original poetry and song in honor of Clem Starck who died at spring equinox in 2024.

Clem’s poetry – lean, honest, vocational – inspired the first FisherPoets Gathering years ago and Clem became a regular, cherished participant. Through his poetry, Clem, too, will join us.

Both Clem and Charles, longtime friends from the rural Willamette Valley, have received Oregon literary awards, published a number of poetry collections, contributed to poetry journals, encouraged writers and been read aloud by Garrison Keillor on the Writer’s Almanac (though Clem didn’t care for Keillor’s version of A Brief Lecture on Door Closers). Probably no one passed more pleasant evenings than Charles at Clem’s farmhouse kitchen table.

Fisherpoets Geno Leech, Jon Broderick, Jay Speakman and Moe Bowstern who each spent many agreeable hours themselves at Clem’s table join Charles to read – or sometimes sing – their own work and Clem’s.





Past midnight

the books we’ve pulled

to praise or to curse, to read aloud

under your gooseneck lamp,

lie piled on the floor

deep as manure…

Charles Goodrich from “Why We Do It, for Clem Stark” in Instects of South Corvallis, Fairweather Books 2003.

TEEN NIGHT at North Coast Pinball Friday March 21st, 6-8PM

Submitted By: Christy@cosmichealingnw.com – Click to email about this post
Hello BBQ Community:

TEEN NIGHT at North Coast Pinball is Friday March 21st, 6-8PM. FREE PINBALL and Games for ALL TEENS!! ALL TEENS WELCOME!! Please spread the word and send your teens in for FREE FUN!!

Contact Christy (503)800-1092, Christy@cosmichealignw.com for info/questions, or to donate to this volunteer led event run on donations

Thank you!!

Netarts/Oceanside Earth Day Cleanup

Submitted By: vicky@netartsbaywebs.org – Click to email about this post
Celebrate Earth Day on Saturday, April 19th with the Friends of Netarts Bay Watershed, Estuary, Beach, and Sea (WEBS) by joining us in a beach cleanup from Cape Lookout State Park to Cape Meares and Bayocean Spit.
Winter always brings an influx of marine debris, with storms washing up harmful trash that poses a threat to wildlife and our unique coastal ecosystems. Springtime offers the perfect opportunity for us to unite as a community and restore our beaches. WEBS has been hosting cleanups for decades with SOLVE, an environmental non-profit that evolved from a grassroots initiative into a national model for volunteer environmental stewardship and other local partners. The result of these partnerships makes a positive impact on the health of Netarts Bay and the surrounding areas. “Clean up the beach with friends or family, or expand your community by teaming up with fellow volunteers. Volunteers of all ages will find the beach cleanup fun, educational, and rewarding.” shares Marina Dreeben, WEBS Stewardship Coordinator. “Thanks to the amazing crew at The Schooner Restaurant and Lounge, we will kick off this year’s event with warm drinks and snacks on their deck.”
As you head out to clean up or just explore, it is important to remember that ocean shores can be dangerous. Avoid logs in the water, keep your distance from marine mammals, and never turn your back on the ocean! If you find any hazardous material, please alert a staff member.
Advanced registration saves time but is not required. To register and read more about this event visit www.netartsbaywebs.org/events
Contact info@netartsbaywebs.org

Consider donating:
Friends of Netarts Bay WEBS is committed to offering high-quality, nature-based events led by experts, while also reducing the financial barrier of outdoor recreation. We do this by offering our events and programs at no cost to participants.

Your donation helps in supporting the work of our organization. Every little bit helps! All of our workshops, classes, and events are free. As a non-profit organization, we rely on donations and grants to keep us going, and growing.
If you would like to donate, please visit our website.

Stay social with Friends of Netarts Bay WEBS online @netartsbaywebs

SAVE THE DATE – CRAB DERBY 2025 at Kelly’s

Submitted By: randi.kellysmarina@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
This annual fundraising event is one NOT TO MISS!
Put the date in your calendar – Saturday, June 7th, 2025 – for a chance to win $1,000 and have an epic day on the Nehalem Bay. $10 entry tickets can be purchased at Kelly’s Brighton Marina. 26 tagged crabs will be released in the bay. Catch one and your ticket will be put in the running to win the grand prize!
ALL proceeds go to our amazing local charities: ~ The MuddNick Foundation ~ & ~ Animal Haven By The Sea ~
Donations for gift baskets and auction items are VERY APPRECIATED. Please contact Randi @ randi.kellysmarina@gmail.com.


Submitted By: jessi@heartofcartm.org – Click to email about this post
It’s not too late to reserve your spot!
Register your item to repair using the form on our website:
You may also call the store, 971-389-8414. Leave a message with your name, phone number and brief description of the repair needed.
Repair Event
DATE Saturday, March 14
TIME 3:00-5:00
LOCATION Old Wheeler Hotel
Expert fixers will be available for diagnosing and repairing Jewelry, Textiles, Vacuums, Small Appliances, Lamps. We can also assemble furniture, answer questions and show you how to use items that might have you befuddled.

This is a no-cost service provided by Heart of CARTM to achieve our mission of facilitating the reuse, repair, and reimagination of our region’s resources.
Your donations to help cover operating costs, tools, and materials are greatly appreciated. Our vision is of a dynamic culture focused on actively using waste as a resource for social, economic and creative benefit. Learn more about us and how to support our critical local work www.heartofcartm.org/support

Orchestra concerts this weekend!

Submitted By: sdawagner@icloud.com – Click to email about this post
The North Oregon Coast Symphony continues its 2024-2025 season with two concerts in March titled “Melodic Journeys.” Designed to please audience members of all ages, the performances will feature Greg Smith’s “The Melodic Life.” This piece traces the life story of a “lighthearted melody named Bob,” illustrating events like going to school, playing sports, and other developmental experiences. The underlying message that “variety is the spice of life” will be demonstrated through a wide range of musical themes. The narrator will be Deac Guidi, a local professional opera singer who has performed with NOCS and throughout the northwest region.

Another feature in the program will be Robert Smith’s Symphony No. 2, “The Odyssey.” Inspired by the ancient Greek poet Homer’s epic tale, this work takes the audience on a dazzling musical voyage.

Morton Gould’s rousing American Salute will round out this concert series.

The first concert will take place on Saturday, March 15, at the Nehalem Elementary School Gym (36300 8th St., Nehalem, OR) beginning at 3:00 pm.

The second concert will be on Sunday, March 16, at the Bob Chisholm Community Center (1225 Avenue A, Seaside, OR) beginning at 3:00 pm.

Admission for both concerts will be $10. Ages 18 and under are FREE (children 12 and under with adult supervision).
Tickets will be available at the door only for both concerts, cash and personal checks only.

Cookies and refreshments will be available at intermission.
For more information, see our website www.nocsymphony. org

Spring Break activity-Watercolor Basics Class for ages 8+, let’s paint spring daffodils-in Nehalem!

Submitted By: CherylEngstromArt@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
No experience needed! Looking for a fun Spring Break activity? Learn the basics of watercolor and create a step by step spring daffodil and choice of backgrounds. Participants will learn how to use the supplies and try a few easy techniques, while learning simple brush strokes. You will get instruction on the different ways to use your paintbrush, color mixing, and be able to try some magical things that watercolor is capable of! Cheryl will demonstrate and let you practice each one, wet on wet, wet on dry and many others.
I will offer gentle, encouraging tips and tricks as we go along. Just show up with curiosity and openness to having some fun putting paint onto paper and seeing why watercolor is so magical.
All supplies will be provided to use but if you want to bring your own brushes and paints, feel free. You will have a finished painting to take home with you. Ages 8+ encouraged to attend with your adult. You’re never too old to discover the magic of watercolor!
Our family has had a home in Manzanita since the 1970’s. I have enjoyed watercolor painting at the beach, it’s really one of my most creative and inspirational places to be. Teaching classes here has connected me to the nicest people and great friendships.
Welcome Nehalem, Manzanita, Rockaway Beach, Cannon Beach, Garibaldi, Tillamook and surrounding areas.

North Coast Veterans for Peace Meeting

Submitted By: briantjmcmahon@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Just a reminder.

North Coast Veterans for Peace meeting.

Date – Thursday, March 13th.
Time – 10:30 PST.
Place. – Offshore Grill, Manzanita.

Need not be a veteran to attend

North Coast Veterans for Peace is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 872 5474 0556
Passcode: 333942
