FOUND set of keys Neahkahnie Beach

So grateful!
Dana Anderson
ArtLight Media
After receiving a call from a member of the community who spotted Luna, we were able to successfully rescue her!
The BBQ came through!
Thank you to the person who spotted her, during the rush of emotion, I couldn’t recall your name, but we are eternally grateful to you.
Good things happen, thank you all!!
I have been gifted a tiny kitten Sage who is super sweet and loving, so i am no longer looking.
My young CAT Raven does NOT like my new kitten! Does anyone have any suggestions to help them integrate? So far, the kitten holds her own, and doesn’t harbor a grudge. But life would be a lot more fun if Raven liked her.
thanks to all who read the BBQ messages.
om peace namaste
lucy brook
Wednesday 7/27/22 at the
T – junction of Hwy 101
and Necarney City Rd.
Shell station.
Somewhere a key needs
its lock